Предмет: Русский язык, автор: gazieva1903

приведу в порядок комнату=(...) комнату. Листья покрыли двор=(...) двор.


Автор ответа: yana805
Мою комнату.
Наш двор.,старый двор.
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: valeriyavolkov4
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: 322511nastya131
Помогите с заданием,пожалуйста-Дополните каждое второе предложение таким образом,чтобы по смыслу оно совпадало с первым предложением.Используйте от двух до пяти слов,включая выделенное слово.

1) I`m almost certain i didn`t leave my wallet in the cafe. CAN`T
I................................................. my wallet in the cafe.

2)They`ll fin out that you`ve lied to them about your age.AWAY
You won`t..............................lying to them about your age.

3)Todd lost my favourite CD,but i`ve forgiven him.FOR
I`ve forgiven............................. my favourite CD.

4)The woman said that my uncle was a theif! ACCUSED
The woman................................ a theif!

5)Why didn`t you check the time of the film? SHOULD
You .............................................. the time of the film!

6)It`ll be difficult to reach the others as they`re a long way ahead. UP
It`ll be difficult to............................the others as they`re a long way ahead.

7)Everyone said that i`d stolen the money! BLAMED
Everyone ...................................... stealing the money.

8)It`s possible that Jean saw Don in the town centre. MAY
Jean......................................Don in the tawn centre.

9)Our teacher thought that Trudy was responsible for the damage, but she wasn`t. BLAMED
Our teacher ............................. Trudy , but she didn`t do it.

10) It was wrong of you to take that miney. HAVE
You.....................................that money.