Предмет: Қазақ тiлi, автор: dbnfkzvfrcbv

Нан туралы қандай мақал-мәтел, нақыл сөздер білесің?


Автор ответа: dias140301
Нан бар жерде ән бар

Дәнді шашпа, нанды баспа.

Нан— тамақтың атасы
Ынтымақ — көптің батасы.

Нан — асалы,
Ана — адамның асалы.

Нан астығын жинаймын,
Елге астық сыйлаймын.
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: sergienko2017
Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами А–E и заголовками 1–6. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок. 1. What do weather people do? 2. What does the name mean? 3. What helps predict the weather? 4. How was the thermometer invented? 5. What is the most beautiful weather phenomenon? 6. How does the thermometer work? A. Since ancient times people all over the world have tried to understand such physical phenomena like rain, snow and wind. The Greek scientist and philosopher Aristotle wrote a book named Meteorologica, which was about the basic elements of the environment: the earth, the winds, the seas and rivers, and of course, the weather. He is considered to be the founder of a science, which studies the atmosphere, and the title of his book has become the name of the science. B. Meteorology supposes a lot of observations, researches and analyses. Without them it is impossible to say what the weather will be like tomorrow. In 1654 one scientist started an ambitious research project. Its aim was to record weather patterns in different Italian and European cities. The received information was studied and analyzed by the scientist. Those results were very important for meteorology. So that project gave an opportunity for G. Fahrenheit to create the modern thermometer. C. If you enjoy everything from watching clouds to reading about hurricanes and tornados, then maybe meteorology is the career for you. Meteorologists, can be found all over the world doing some very interesting things! They may study the ozone layer or air pollution or make weather observations in Antarctica. They might monitor rainfall and give river flood warnings or fly in aircraft investigating hurricanes. Weather is world-wide and so are people, who study the weather! D. Have you ever wondered how people are able to predict the weather ahead of time? Wouldn't it be great to know if there is a chance of rain for your football game this weekend? Weather forecasting, a prediction what weather will be like tomorrow or next week, takes into consideration many aspects, but one of the most crucial weather features is the wind. By learning how the wind affects the weather, we can learn a lot about how to predict it. E. When light and water meet in the sky on a summer day, a rainbow appears. Such a wonderful sight! The legends of many cultures see the rainbow as a kind of bridge between heaven and earth. But it's just sunlight and raindrops. When sunlight enters a drop of rain, a part of it does not pass directly through but is reflected from the inner surface and appears from the side from which it entered.
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: Lockers
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: rodionskolnikov

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А. 1.Списки эти валялись в рассохшихся шкафах захолустных военных канцелярий. 2.0 человеке загнанном в эту пустыню начисто забывали. 3.Кочевники с недоумением смотрели на пожилого солдата с желтым лицом и добрыми глазами бродившего по пустыне. 4.Семь лет Шевченко слышал только треск барабанов и раздирающие сердце звуки военного горна. 5.Слуга сидел у стола и лениво отковыривал ногтем воск на чадящей свече. 6.Дымные тени от недавно распустившихся берез шевелились под ногами. 7.Солнечный свет падал на суровую скатерть и раскрытую на столе книгу. 8.Сваты повязанные вышитыми рушниками степенно пили пшеничную водку и закусывали розовым салом и квашеной капустой. 9.И каждый раз появлялась и снова тонула в кромешном мраке припавшая к широким балкам степная станица. 10.Только брехали по всей станице собаки встревоженные ночным выстрелом