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Напишите сочинение на тему "Сан хьоме юрт"

777Лерка777: что такой сам хьоме эрт?
freezek: это я зык?
freezek: язык*
hadi09mailru: сан хьоме юрт-мое любимое село
777Лерка777: а где оно расположено?
hadi09mailru: в Чечне
freezek: а раньше сказать можно было
hadi09mailru: а другие есть


Автор ответа: freezek
Здорово провести время можно в сельской местности. Я очень люблюмое село. В селе я часто хожу в лес, на речку или озеро.Самое лучшее место в моем селе это лесное озеро. Именно здесь можно отдохнуть, позагорать, покупаться. А рыбачит здесь, одно удовольствие. На песчаным берегу можно наслаждаться живописностью озера. Озеро, как волшебное зеркало, скрывает в себе очень много загадок. О нашем озере слагают легенды. Но особенно оно красиво осенью.Летом возле озера можно рисовать отличные пейзажи. Смотришь на озеро, окружающий мир, ощущать легкое дуновение ветра, приятные солнечные лучи.Особенно красиво в моем селе летним вечером, когда заходит солнце. Солнышко медленно опускается, и яркие краски расплываются по небу. Солнце заходит, и потихоньку начинают загораться звезды. Возле реки появляется туман, он неторопливо начинает застилать все вокруг.Часто люди, которые живут в городе, не замечают всего этого великолепия. А время проходит. Стоит научиться останавливаться и отдыхать на природе. Не нужно никуда спешить, а следует просто жить.
Автор ответа: 777Лерка777
Маленькая капелька величественного государства – мое село, много есть таких! Испытало и бедствия и славу. Оно живое и вечно будет жить! Оно называется-"Сан хьоме юрт" Я очень его люблю. Очень красиво село весной, когда цветут сады, и летом, когда дома утопают в зелени и цветах. Я живу и сливаюсь со своим селом, оно во мне, так как будит мысль и греет душу, указатель и будущее мое. Я олицетворяю Чечнёвскую землю, которая полнит светом наш небосклон, честных, порядочных людей и является дивом калиновым, чарами барвинковыми…
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: vadimmatsack
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10–17 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа.
Anne Frank
Anne Frank was a Jewish girl who became famous after her death when her wartime diary was published.
Anne was born on June 12th, 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany to Otto Frank and Edith Frank. Anne was the youngest of two sisters. When the Nazis gained control of Germany and the danger to Jewish people increased, her family emigrated to the Netherlands. Anne was four at that time.
On May 10th, 1940, after the outbreak of World War II, German armies invaded the Netherlands. The danger was getting very close to the Jewish family. Soon Anne's older sister, Margot, got a note from the new authorities. She had to go to a German work camp. However, Margot did not obey. Instead, the Franks went to a secret hiding place which they had prepared beforehand.
They hid in a small annex, an extra building added to a house. Later Anne called it the Secret Annex. Together with the Franks, there were eight people in the Secret Annex. The entrance to the annex was hidden behind a moveable bookcase. While hiding, the Franks could not go outside. They had to stay quiet so that the neighbours did not guess that there was anybody in the annex. The Franks lived in constant fear of what would happen if they were discovered.
Anne started writing her diary on her thirteenth birthday. The diary would later be published as The Diary of Anne Frank. In her diary, Anne wrote about her thoughts, and about her life in the Secret Annex. Most of her diary was written in the form of letters to a person named Kitty. Anne also wrote short stories and collected quotes from other writers in her notebook. The girl had dreams of becoming a journalist or a writer.
The Franks spent 2 years in the Secret Annex. When Anne was 15 years old, the Secret Annex where they had been hiding was discovered. It is believed that someone betrayed them. On 4th August 1944, all those in the Secret Annex were arrested.
They were sent to Auschwitz, a concentration camp. It was a death camp. Anne was sent to the same barracks as her sister and her mother. Their father, Otto, was separated from his family, and never saw his daughters or his wife again. Anne and her sister survived several months in difficult conditions, working hard.
Later, Anne and her sister were sent to another concentration camp. Anne died there in March, 1945. She was only 15 years old. It is believed that she died of typhoid.
All the inhabitants of the Secret Annex, except Otto Frank, died in the concentration camps. He returned to Amsterdam and found the diary of his daughter. Two years later, in 1947, he published Anne's diary.
The book, The Diary of Anne Frank, impressed people a lot. There have been more than 30 million copies sold. It was translated into 67 languages and it was adapted for both the theatre and the cinema.
The address where Anne Frank and her family hid was Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Now there is a museum (the Anne Frank House) where people can see the actual house she lived in while in hiding. Approximately one million people visit the Anne Frank House each year.
The Secret Annex was not far from the house where the Franks lived in Amsterdam.
Not stated

Anne was older than her sister, Margot.
Not stated
After the war, the book The Diary of Anne Frank was published in different languages.
Not stated

The Anne Frank House museum is located in Germany.
Not stated

All the people who were hiding in the Secret Annex were arrested by the Nazis.
Not stated

Kitty was Anne’s cousin.
Not stated

The Frank family shared their hiding place with other people.
Not stated

Anne Frank wanted to become an actress.
Not stated
Предмет: Математика, автор: roksanaroksana831