Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ujkjdbyftrfnthbyf

Напишите сочинение на одну из тем. Пожалуйста сама не справляюсь(

1.My idea of a heaven is a place where folk music meets the blue.

2.While the journey is across the land, i begin another journey inside my head, a journey of memory and sensation.


Автор ответа: Аноним

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I literally have six huge homework/assignment projects to work on. I have gotten a substantial start on most of them, but only one is completed. In short, I have a LOT do do.

There’s some art festival that my parents have been planning to go to for months. They essentially drafted me into coming with them through the use of groundage threats, stern faces and disturbingly unconvincing arguements. They took me last year and they know I openly don’t like it. They would not let go of me not wanting to come with them, even after the work recently sprung up and I need all the weekend time I can get. Seriously, if I didn’t have the festival day to work, I would completely miss more than half of what I need to get done.

– If I come with you, I won’t have enough time (which, upon realization today, is actually true) to finish my honestly very important work
– If I come with you, I will either fail or nearly fail at least four different subjects (this should have mattered to them, as they are often complaining about how I should care about school)
– If I go, I will be bored out of my mind and it would be a waste of my time

– You need to get some culture in you (they take me to art galleries and folk music festivals all the time, and I’ve been sure from the beginning that they’re not really for me; plus, there’s heaps of other places I can and do get cultural experience)
– We need more family time (they are openly mean to me every day and we’ve done something together the previous two weekends)
– Your friend’s going (I see friends all the time and this one actually wants to be there)

Автор ответа: Vika113

My favourite room is my room. I like it very much! There's a TV set, my bed, big window and a table, where I do my homework. I also have a bear toy, which has been my favourite since I was 7. I would like to tell you why I admire my room so much. I spent all of my childhood in there, laughing and crying, playing and stydying... There's nothing better for me than to go and relax in my room after school. I'm rather an adult now and I'm glad to see my parents respecting my place and not going inside when I'm busy. I believe everyone will remember his or her own firt room, because it's the place where we grow up.  

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2. Придумайте и запишите название текста. 3. Определите тему и идею текста. 4. Определите тип текста, аргументируйте ответ. 5.Определите стиль речи, ответ аргументируйте.