Предмет: Английский язык, автор: erymenko9

Write the names of the rooms you know?

LiluBruNadya: what numbers ?
LiluBruNadya: do you understand me I can and in Russian
VishenkaVishenka: Yes.I am


Автор ответа: VishenkaVishenka
Автор ответа: Vahtang
Attic ['ætɪk]чердак
Balcony ['bælkənɪ]балкон
Bathroom ['bɑːθruːm]ванная комната
Bedroom ['bedruːm]спальня
Boxroom [bɔksrum]кладовая, чулан
Cellar ['selə]подвал; погреб; подвальный этаж
Cloakroom ['kləukrum] гардеробная, раздевалка
Conservatory [kən'sɜːvətrɪ] оранжерея, теплица, зимний сад
Dining-room ['daɪnɪŋrum] столовая
Downstairs ['daun'stɛəz]низ, нижний этаж здания, нижняя часть здания
Games room [geɪms rum]Игровая комната
Guestroom ['gestrum]спальня для гостей
Utility room [ju(ː)'tɪlɪtɪrum]подсобное помещение, подсобка
Toilet ['tɔɪlət]туалет, уборная
Study /Study room ['stʌdɪ rum]рабочий кабинет

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: andreychukyuraotgctl
Выберите правильный вариант в тестах:
№ 1.  How long______this book? How many pages of this book______?
а. have you read, you read
б. have you been reading, have you been reading
в. have you read, have you read
г. have you been reading, have you read
№ 2.  We always go to Boston for our holidays. We ______there for years.
а. are going
б. go
в. have been going
г. were going
№ 3.  I have lost my key again. I______things. I lose things too often.
а. have always lost
б. was always losing
в. am always losing
г. always lost
№ 4.  The economic situation is already very bad and it______worse.
а. got
б. would be getting
в. is getting
г. gets
№ 5.  Turning from the Temple gate as soon as I______the warning, I______my way to Fleet Street, and then______ to Covent Garden.
а. had read, made, drove
б. have read, made, drove
в. was reading, made, drove
г. read, made, drove
№ 6.  Seventy-seven detective novels and books of stories by Agatha Christie______into every major language, and her sales______in tens of millions.
а. were translated, were calculated
б. had been translated, are calculated
в. are translated, are calculated
г. have been translated, are calculated
№ 7.  Recently, scientific and technological developments ______human life on our planet, as well as our views both of ourselves as individuals in society and of the universe as a whole.
а. are drastically changing
б. have drastically changed
в. change drastically
г. drastically changed
№ 8.  I wish he______last Friday but his flight______because of bad weather. If he______the next day I would have brought him by car.
а. had arrived, was cancelled, had called
б. arrived,have cancelled,had called
в. arrived, was cancelled, called
г. had arrived, had been cancelled, called
№ 9.  The room looks very clean.______you______it?
а. Do, clean
б. Had, cleaned
в. Have, cleaned
г. Did, clean
№ 10.  He______his hair _____. He looks nice.
а. has, cut
б. had had, cut
в. has had, cut
г. is having, cut
№ 11.  They have not lived here for very long. They______ know many people.
а. can not
б. should
в. could
г. might