Предмет: Английский язык, автор: iNJTeiN

Divide these nouns into proper (8) and common (24). Find in the list of common nouns 9 abstract? 7 contract? 4 material and 4 collective nouns.
Celt, agriculture, anorak, cloud, ice, carelessness, buffalo, Berlin, team, audience, Robin Hood, bravery, California, cream, Chicago, citizen, cockatoo, comfort, company, eucalyptus, ecology, John, energy, horror, influence, knowledge, legend, Mary, Macdonald`s, caviare, cheese, family .

ShamanCat: Я не уверена насчет колонки contract.


Автор ответа: ShamanCat
Proper: Celt, Brelin, Robin Hood, California, Chicago, John, Mary, Macdonald's.

Common: agriculture, anorak, cloud, ice, carelessness, buffalo, team, audience, bravery, cream, citizen, cockatoo, comfort, company, eucalyptus, ecology, energy, horror, influence, knowledge, legend, caviare, cheese, family.
Abstract: bravery, knowledge, horror, carelessness, comfort, energy, influence, legend, ecology.

Contract: agricultue, citizen, caviare, buffalo, cloud, anorak. 

Material: cream, eucalyptus, cheese, ice

Collective: team, audience, company, family.

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