I. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами из списка, приведенного ниже.
1. Fill in this form. Write in … . 2. We want two single rooms with a .... . 3. Have you reserved a room? - Yes, we ... from Paris. 4. Is this room ….? - Yes, it faces the yard. 5. If you are planning to travel you should ... a room in advance. 6. What will it come to ...? - Twenty roubles a night, ma'am. Breakfast in your room is … . 7. There is no bath in your single room but there is a ... . 8. Where's your luggage? - That ... is mine. 9. I don't like outside rooms. I prefer ... ones. 10. We're booked up. We're ... a delegation. 11. We've come to see the main … in your city.
book, trunk, all in all, cabled, bath, block letters, your name and address, inside, expecting, shower, places of interest, quiet, extra
Заранее большое спасибо
1) your name and address
3) block letters. НЕ знаю 3-ее. Просто остался последний вариант. Я перевела это словосочетание как печатные буквы, и думала относится к 1-ому, но your name and addres больше подходит.
6)all in all, extra
8) trunk
9) inside
11)places of interest
Насчет остальных уверена, что такое block letters и cabled не знаю точного перевода. 3, 5?