Дайте форму притяжательного падежа, используя -'s, -s' :
We met at. Mr. Harris house. Columbus discovery of America was a historic event. From the radio came Elvis voice. This is a woman shop. She works in a girls school. I need Bess phone number. We'll have a children perty next week. I'll spend the weekend at my friends house. They need a month time to finish the project. Take Mike book off the table. Give me kate pen. What is this girl name.
We met at. Mr. Harris' house. Columbus' discovery of America was a historic event. From the radio came Elvis' voice. This is a woman's shop. She works in a girls' school. I need Bess' phone number. We'll have a children's party next week. I'll spend the weekend at my friends' house. They need a month's time to finish the project. Take Mike's book off the table. Give me kate's pen. What is this girl's name.
На сколько я помню с имена, заканчивающимися на s как Harris, Elvis - можно писать 2 варианта Harris's и Harris' оба будут правильными.