Предмет: Русский язык, автор: mextiyev2002

что такое исконна руские слова


Автор ответа: 234викуся
Бабайка - большое весло, прикрепленное к лодке
Бает - говорит, рассказывает

Байдак - речное судно с одним большим парусом

Балагта - болото

Балакать - говорить

Балодка - одноручный молот

Баса - красота, украшение, щегольство

Беремя - охапка

Босовики - домашние туфли

Брань - битва

Братим - побратим

Бурочки - высокая корзинка с крышкой из березовой коры

mextiyev2002: я не говориль написать например я говориль что такое
Автор ответа: Akula17
Исконно-русские слова - это слова, которые произошли в России .

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Finishing _____________school is an important time in the life of each teenager. You should think over your _________after the exams. British teenagers take _________at the age of 16. Then they have several options. They can go to a school sixth form and ________their education. It is comfortable because you learn in familiar place with teachers that you know and have a lot of friends. But some teenagers ________going to a sixth form college because it offers a wider _____of subjects and options for students. School sixth form and sixth form college take ______years. They prepare students for____________. You need them to enter___________. Some teenagers can’t afford to continue their education because their families need them to ________to the family income. They can go to _________courses that teaches skills you need to do a _________job. Another way is to go to a company that offers________________. Some companies give an opportunity to do flexible or evening____________. So you can develop and get a promotion. Time off from education may make you think what you really want to study. If you want to ________to studying, you can get ___________that you pay back later. There are a lot of ways and ______________after finishing school. But it is up for you to decide and to choose.
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