Предмет: Русский язык, автор: ppsuvorov2012

является ли слово разбитый причастием


Автор ответа: ProstoHomyak
Разбитый (Какой?)
Данный вопрос отвечает на вопрос причастия.
Следовательно,слово разбитый - причастие! ^_^
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Maxim812
Глаголы в разных формах

Fill in the gaps and put the verbs in the correct form (Present Simple) (Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в
нужную форму в простом настоящем времени)

1.The students (to bring) their books to school.
2.The pop group (to practice) a lot.
3.His brother never (to catch) the ball.
4.The boys usually (to fight).
5.Mum (to try) to cook something new on weekends.
6.I (to want) to tell you the truth.
7.Dick always (to copy) my homework.

II.Fill in the gaps and put the verbs in the correct form (Past Simple) (Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в
нужную форму в простом прошедшем времени)

1.Barbara (to eat) the whole cake last night. 2.Children (not / to dress) quickly last time. 3.We (to be) late for the meeting
last week. 4.I (to save) some money last year. 5.You (to give) me all the books yesterday? 6.They (to drink) too much last
evening. 7.Students (to work) in the garden two days ago. 8.We (to be) very happy together last year. 9.It (not / to be)
cold yesterday. 10.The cat (to jump) on the tree, and the bird (to fly) away. 11.We (to cook) yesterday. 12.She (to arrive)
in 1978. 13.Emily and Edward (to meet) in Paris last year. 14.Peter (to change) his name many years ago. 15.Julie (to
move) from Canada two days ago. 16.They (to wash) their clothes in the bathroom yesterday. 17.They (to have) a lot of
friends there. 18.He (to feel) terrible after eating the prawns. 19.I (to choose) steak for dinner yesterday. 20.The exam (to
be) difficult last year? 21.He (to tell) me that he lived in Toronto. 22.I (to help) my mother yesterday in the evening.
23.We (to walk) in the park last week. 24.It (to rain) a lot last month.

IV.Ask for the bold part of the sentence.
1.She arrived yesterday in the morning. 2.We met my friend at the party. 3.She watched a very interesting film last
evening. 4. I left my glasses on the table. 5. I got home at 5 o’clock last night. 6.She was angry because she did not
pass her exam. 7.After classes I went to the cinema. 8.Julie and Lucy were at the meeting. 9.She got there by bus.
10.My sister opened the door because it was too hot.

V.Fill in the gaps and put the verbs in the correct form of Past Simple or Present Simple (Раскройте скобки и
поставьте глаголы в нужную форму в простом настоящем и простом прошедшем времени)
1.She (to go) to Australia in 1994 and she liked it very much.
2.My father (to like) his steak well-done.
3.The dog (to eat) its toy last night.
4.The policeman (to talk) to the burglar yesterday.
5.You (to have) a test last week?
6.I often see her mother but she never (to speak) to me.
7.The gentleman (to speak) to his servant 2 hours ago.
8.The kangaroo (to carry) it’s baby.
9.My friend (to talk) a lot every day.
10.The man (to drive) to the supermarket last weekend.
11.My brothers (to leave) for England last week.
12.I don’t like that man because he often (to laugh) at me.
13.My sister (to leave) for England every year in June.
14.Her sister never (smoke).
15.The cat usually (to leave) its basket when it is hungry.
16.You (to come) home at six o’clock yesterday?
Предмет: История, автор: leobros123443212
Очень нужно помогите пожалуйста.

1. Автор першого історичного роману в українській літературі «Чорна рада»:

1. П. Загребельний

2. О. Гончар

3. M. Вінграновський

4. П. Куліш

2. Цей твір присвячено періоду, коли українські землі потерпали від турецько-татарських набігів, а його головна героїня – одна з багатьох полонянок, яка, однак, стала правителькою:

1. «Диво»

2. «Роксолана»

3. «Маруся Чурай»

4. «Мальви»

3. Український письменник, що більшість життя провів в еміграції і відтворив у своїх творах нелюдську сталінську систему:

1. П. Куліш

2. І. Багряний

3. М. Бажан

4. Р. Іваничук

4. Автор історичних романів «Диво», «Роксолана», «Я, Богдан»?

1. О. Гончар

2. В. Шкляр

3. П. Загребельний

4. Р. Іваничук

5. Український письменник, автор історичних романів «Орда», «Мальви», «Вогненні стовпи»:

1. В. Шевчук

2. Л. Костенко

3. Р. Іваничук

4. П. Загребельний

6. Вірш «Хамсин» Леся Україна написала, відвідавши:

1. Марокко

2. Індію

3. Лівію

4. Єгипет