Предмет: Русский язык, автор: petkevich82

Возьмите любимую согласную букву. Придумайте 5 слов разных частей речи, которые начинаются с этой буквы; 5 слов, где эта буква расположена в середине; и 5 слов, в которых буква находиться в конце слова. Выпишите эти 15 слов и постарайтесь составить рассказ на любую тему, стараясь использовать для связи минимальное количество дополнительных слов. Придумайте рассказу заглавие с этой буквой в любой позиции. 
Пример: Вдохновение.
Весна вдохновляет, вызывает восторг, восхищает своей неповторимостью, заставляет человека почувствовать вновь любовь, прилив чувств и порывов.


Автор ответа: ShKoLnIcHeK
Шаги лета.
Голубое небо,голубые дали...голубая гладь озера.
Голоса галчат,говор гусиной стаи,гул детворы.
Всё это лето.
Голубые незабудки на лугу,загорелые голые ребятишки,на бегу срывающие их,пыльные дороги,гаснущий круг солнца над берегом реки,всё заставляет человека восхищаться этим временем года.
Грустные шаги уходящего лета.

ShKoLnIcHeK: Старый самокат съехал с Сережкой со склона.
Весной Костя посадил рассаду капусты.
Кокос принес папуас,весь без волос.
petkevich82: если вы были внимательны, то заметили бы, что текст который вы скопировали, был написан тоже мне, только намного раньше.
petkevich82: писал его тат мах
ShKoLnIcHeK: Ну прости ЧуВ@К Голова БоЛиТ
petkevich82: мдааа..............
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: маринка77710
IX.переводить не надо!!!! Перепишите и переведите текст UNDERGROUND RAILWAYS The underground railway is the quickest, safest, most reliable and comfortable means of city’s transport. Metro can solve the problems of carrying a great number of passengers in large cities as well as the problems of traffic jams, air contamination and noise. However, from the technical point of view the underground railway system is very expensive and complicated constructional work. This system includes subsurface lines, ground based lines and elevated lines. Ground based lines are usually used at the terminations of the underground railways. Besides the underground and surface structures involve stations, tunnels, escalators, underpasses, ventilation and sanitary engineering as well as a power supply system. The permanent way of underground railways differs from the usual railway track. The sleepers are only 0.9 m long. They are shorter than those of the railroad track which are 2.7 m long. The sleepers of the usual track are laid upon ballast made of broken stone or other materials. The crossties of the underground railway are laid directly on concrete base. It is more expensive but keeps air free from dust. If the ballast were made of slag, gravel, sand or even broken stone, the train would be followed by the dust clouds. All Metro trains are powered by electricity. The current is obtained from the third rail. This contact rail is laid along the whole track and transmits the direct current of 825 volts to the train electromotor through the pantograph. The Underground carrying capacity depends on the number of coaches, which ranges from 2 to 8 per train and the frequency of train running which ranges from 80 seconds to 8 minutes. Nowadays there are underground railways in 80 cities all over the world. The first Metro railways lines were constructed in London in 1863. It is the oldest but not the longest Underground. New York was the second city to build the subway. The first track was laid in 1868 and nowadays it is the longest Metro in the world. The shortest Metro line was constructed in Turkey. Its length is only 600 m but Istanbul is very proud of the metropolitan means of traffic. X. Ответьте на общие вопросы в соответствии с содержанием текста. 1. Is the underground railway the quickest means of transport? 2. Can Metro solve the problem of carrying a great number of passengers in large cities? 3. Does the underground railway system include only subsurface lines? 4. Are the sleepers of the underground railway laid on concrete base? 5. Do the Metro trains always consist of 4 coaches? 6. Are there underground railways in 80 cities all over the world? 7. Was London the second city to build the Metro? 8. Did New York construct its Underground in 1963? 9. Do you know where the shortest railway line in the world is? 10. Have metro lines been already constructed in all large cities all over the world?
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