Предмет: Беларуская мова, автор: Lasos

сочинение кватэра у якой я жыву


Автор ответа: Аноним
Я жыву ў адной кватэры са сваімі бацькамі і малодшым братам. Мы жывём на сёмым паверсе дзесяціпавярховага дому. Кватэра ў нас двухпакаёвая, таму ў нас з братам адзін пакой на дваіх, а другі пакой займаюць нашы бацькі. Акрамя нашых пакояў у кватэры таксама ёсць кухня, калідор, раздзельны санвузел.
Большасць часу я праводжу ў нашым з братам пакоі, таму спачатку апішу яго. Ён невялікі: меншы з двух пакояў. Але ў нашым пакоі ёсць усё, неабходнае для жыцця. На сценах наклееныя шпалеры жоўтага колеру. Падлога пафарбаваная ў карычневы колер. На ёй ляжыць дыван. Столь у нашым пакоі белая. Адразу каля дзвярэй стаяць мой ложак і шафа, дзе мы з братам складваем свае рэчы. Ложак брата стаіць насупраць дзвярэй каля акна. Паміж нашымі ложкамі стаіць камп'ютарны стол, на якім, зразумела, знаходзіцца наш камп'ютар, таксама адзін на дваіх. Я б хацеў мець свой пакой, але, думаю, без брата мне было б непрывычна і сумна.
Пакой бацькоў у два разы большы за наш. Там таксама белая столь, карычневая падлога. Шпалеры на сценах светлыя, амаль белыя. З аднаго боку ад дзвярэй стаіць ложак, з другога - канапа. Каля канапы стаіць столік. Насупраць канапы - шафа бацькоў. У вуглу ля шафы стаіць тэлевізар.
Калідор у нашай кватэры вузкі і цёмны. Там мы ставім абутак, вешаем верхняе адзенне. У калідоры таксама ёсць столік для сумак і люстэрка, перад якім мы збіраемся ў школу і на працу.
Кухня ў нашай кватэры такая ж маленькая, як наш з братам пакой. Але ў ёй змясцілася шмат чаго: газавая пліта, шафкі, халадзільнік, мікрахвалёўка, стол, чатыры табурэты.
У ваннай стаіць пральная машына.
Мне падабаецца наша кватэра. Яна ўтульная і светлая. Заходзьце да нас у госці і пераканайцеся ў гэтым самі.
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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the political name of the country which is made of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It is often abbreviated to UK. The capital of the whole United Kingdom is London. You should know that the United Kingdom is also called Britain.
Britain is one of the world’s smaller countries with an area of some 244,000 square kilometers; with some 56 million people, it ranks about 14th in tern of population.
The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles lie off the western shores of Europe. They are separated from the Continent by the Strait of Dover, the English Channel (La Manche) and by the North Sea. A warm ocean current, the Gulf Stream, washes Britain’s western shores. In the north-west the country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The Irish Sea separates Great Britain from Ireland in the west.
The island of Great Britain can be roughly divided into two main regions – Lowland Britain and Highland Britain. The Pennine Chain extends southward from the Cheviot Hills into the Midland. England is separated from Scotland by the Cheviot Hills. Scotland has three natural topographic divisions: the Southern Uplands, the Central Lowlands, and the Northern Highlands which contain Ben Nevis, the highest point in the British Isles.
Wales is mountainous; Northern Ireland contains many plateaus and hills. Snowdon is the highest mountain in England and Wales.
The rivers flow east into the North Sea (the Tweed, the Tyne, the Thames) and west into the Irish Sea or the British Channel (the Mersey, the Avon and the longest river in England – the Severn). England has no large lakes. But the Lake District in the north-western part of the country is known for its beauty. There are sixteen lakes there. The climate is mild and temperature. This is due to the Gulf Stream which warms its shores. Rainfall is plentiful during the whole year. The heavy fogs of England are famous. January and February are usually the coldest months, July and August – the warmest. The most important natural resources of England are iron and coal. Copper, zinc, lead and building stone are the principal materials taken out of the ground.
Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. Being an island Great Britain had to develop its fleet as a major means of transportation and communication with the rest of the world. Today Britain is one of the great maritime nations if the world. The harbours of the island serve as convenient ports among which are London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Portsmouth and others.
Great Britain is famous for its shipbuilding industry. The largest shipbuilding yards are in Glasgow.
Britain is the world’s third largest trading nation, accounting for about 11 per cent of international trade in manufactured goods. Agriculture takes an important sector in economy of the country. Great Britain has different types of farming; ranging from beef breeding in Scotland and sheep farming in the mountains of Wales to growing wheat, barley, oats and potatoes in the eastern countries. Sea fishing is of great importance in Scotland and in the north-east of England.
Britain is a parliamentary democracy with a Constitutional monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, as head of state. The country is governed in the Queen’s name by the Government. The Queen is a temporal head of the Church of England.