Дополните предложения, употребляя модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты в утчредительной или отрицательной форме.
1. ... you remember the adress? - I ... not even remember the street. 2. The sick man had restless night, but he ... sleep for an hour or two. 3. He was very strong, he ... ski all day and dance all night. 4. When they buy a car, they ... visit their friends more often. 5. You ... ring the bell, I have a key. 6. You ... drink this: it is a poison. 7. The buses were all full, I ... get a taxi. 8. What were your instructions about phoning, Bill? - I ... phone him at 6.00. 9. That hat doesn’t suit you, you ... buy another one. 10. Tom was often late and his father told hiim that he ... wake up earlier. 11. The policeman told the driver that he ... drive more carefully. 12. The woman is looking ill. She ... see a doctor.
can not
will be able to
need not
should not
needed to
had to