Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним

Дом, в котором бы я мечтал жить


Автор ответа: ПростоЛёка
I'll live in a small village near Volgograd.
Our house will be new, it'll have two floors and an attic. The house will be built of red brick, and therefore it'll be very beautiful. On the ground floor of our house there will be a large bright lounge, a dining room , a kitchen, a bathroom and two toilets. 
Our kitchen will be very modern and comfortable. On the right there will be a large gas stove, where my mum will prepare delicious meals. To the left there will be a comfortable bar and a small table.
Our bathroom will be modern and comfortable, too. To the right there will be a big blue sink,  a huge round mirror will be above it. A beautiful bath will occupy a lot of space.
Upstairs there will be two bedrooms and two large rooms, one of which will be mine. I'll love my room because it'll be the most comfortable in our house. Directly in front of the window there will be a table where I'll do my homework. To the right there will be a computer desk , where my books and notebooks will be. Above the desk there will be two shelves, one of them will be full of my books, and the second one will have a lot of CD with my favorite songs and movies. In the left corner of the room there will be a sofa, where I'll sleep . Next to the sofa there will be my favorite armchair where I'll sit in front of TV set. We'll have different tastes with my parents, that's why they'll buy me a small television of my own. It'll be so convenient to be in your own room and relax with your favorite movie characters.
In my room, there will be still a small wardrobe and a mirror. 
I'll love our house and my room.
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