Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Olyabl2010

Степени сравнения прилагательных. Помогите написать 5 примеров прилагательных.

emmafall: совершенно любых?


Автор ответа: emmafall
Ладно. Не знаю, подойдет или нет, но все же:
1) old - older - the oldest
2) big - bigger - the bigest
3) simple - simpler - the simplest
4) expensive - more expensive - (the)most expensive
5) modern - more/less modern - (the) most/the least modern
+ запасные варианты:
good - better - (the) best
clever - cleverer - (the) cleverest
bad - worse - (the) worst

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Произведите синтаксический разбор 1-го предложения (I вариант); предложения Мягкий желтоватый мох скрадывает... (II вариант).

В лесной глуши
Я люблю северный лес за торжественную тишину, которая царит в нем. Особенно хорошо в самом густом ельнике, где-нибудь на дне глубокого лога.
Между древесными стволами, обросшими в течение десятилетий седым мхом и узорчатыми лишаями, кое-где проглядывают клочья голубого неба. Свесившиеся лапчатые ветви деревьев кажутся какими-то гигантскими руками. Сказочно фантастический характер придают картине леса громадные папоротники, которые топорщатся перистыми листьями. Мягкий желтоватый мох скрадывает малейший звук, и вы точно идете по ковру. Прибавьте к этому слабое освещение, которое падает косыми полосами сверху.
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Несмотря на тишину и покой, птицы не любят такого леса и предпочитают держаться в молодых зарослях.
В настоящую лесную глушь забираются только белка да пестрый дятел; изредка ухает филин, вдалеке надрывается лесная сирота — кукушка.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: sviktoria4854
Choose the statement (A,B,C) which you think is correct and mark it respectively.
1. Morphology deals with the study of
A. Word-building B. Form-building C. Semantics

2. Syntax deals with the study of
A. The lexical meaning of words B. Form-building
C. The regularities determining the combination of words and sentences

3. The definition of the grammatical category in which form and meaning are considered equally important is as follows:
A. The grammatical category is the grammatical meaning which finds its expression through a grammatical form
B. The grammatical category is a unity of a grammatical form and grammatical meaning
C. The grammatical category is a set of two mutually exclusive form-classes

4. Study the oppositions of forms (in the left column) and match them with the grammatical categories which they express (in the right column). Write the corresponding letters and figures in your answer.
a) write - am writing b) spoke - had spoken c) sends - is sent d) (I) read - (he) reads e) (lie) reads - (they) read
1) person 2) voice 3) number 4) aspect 5) order

5. Study the oppositions of forms (in the left column) and match them with the grammatical categories they express (in me right column) .Write the corresponding letters and figures in your answer.
a) write-wrote b) man - men
1) degrees of comparison 2) case
c) man-mans d) dark-darker e) I do-I would do 3) tense 4) mood 5) number

6,Choose the statement (А,В,C) which you think is correct and mark it respectively:
The largest number of grammatical categories that a predicate verb-form can express in a sentence is
A. One B. Two C. Seven

7. The synthetic form-building means in English are
A. Suffixation and suppletion B. Sound interchange C. Suffixation, sound interchange and suppletion
8. The productive synthetic form-building means in English is
A. Sound-interchange B. Suffixation C. Suppletion
9. Group the following words - mice, better, reading, narrower, teeth, went, took, are, books- in three columns depending on the form-building means used in them:
a) suffixation b) sound interchange c) suppletion

10. Study the inflexional suffixes in the following words - oxen, spoken, taller, mine, children, wanted, tables, writing - and group them in two columns:
a.) productive suffixes b) non-productive suffixes.

11. Study the meaning of the «s» - morpheme in the following words - takes, clothes, fists, boy's, books, spectacles, news, corps,- and group them in two columns:
a) a derivation element b) a form-building suffix c) part of the root

26. Group the following verbs - swim, marry, go, live, envy, teach- in two columns:
a) transitive b) intransitive
27. Choose the grammatical meanings (А, В, C, D, E, F, G) typical of the Active Voice forms of the verb and mark them respectively:
A. Transitive B. Active C. Middle D. Intransitive E. Reflexive F. Reciprocal G. Passive

28. Choose the grammatical categories (А,В,C,D,E,F,G) which are not expressed by the non-finite forms of the verb and mark them respectively:
A. Person B. Number C. Voice D. Tense E. Mood F. Order G. Aspect.

29. Study the following words (А,В,C,D,E,F,G,H), choose predeterminers and mark them respectively:
a) my b) all c) many d) these e) both f) enough g) half h) the

30. Choose the meanings (functions) (А,В,C,D,E,F) typical of the definite article and mark them respectively:
A. Nominating B. Individualizing C. Classifying D. Aspective E. Generic F. Restricting

31. Choose the statement (А,В,C,) which you think is correct and mark it respectively:
The main component of a word-combination (phrase) is called:
A. Adjunct B. Determiner C. Head - word

32. Study the underlined word-combinations (in the left column) and match them with the type of grammatical relations within them (in the right column). Write the corresponding letters and figures in your answer.
A. Susan is teaching English. B. Tom and Susan are my friends. C. His friends are Tom, Susan, Mary. D. She is making a dress for herself. E. Tom married Susan. F. Queen Mary
1. Government 2. Predication 3. Apposition 4. Syndetic coordination 5. Asyndetic coordination 6. Agreement

Choose the statement (A,B,C) which you think is correct and mark it respectively:
33. The subject of the English sentence can be
A. Only formal В. Notional and formal C. Only notional

34. The main types of predicate in English are as follows:
A. Simple verbal, compound verbal aspective
B. Simple verbal, compound nominal, compound verbal modal, compound verbal aspective, simple phraseological C. Compound verbal nominal, simple phraseological
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: sok98
Помогите составить пересказ этого текста на 5-6 предложений.

"In our everyday life we meet people who are always ready to help. And it is important to say that such people help not because they are asked to help. In this way they give an example of how people can be attentive to each other. As an English proverb goes: “He teaches who gives, and he learns who receives”. So each person, either a grown-up or a pupil, ought to do good because he wants to do so, not because he is told to help.

There are pupils in each class who help their classmates to learn better. They do it on their own initiative not because they were “assigned” to give help to a weak pupil. When we help other people, we do a good thing for them. There is an American proverb which says, “When you are good to others you are best to yourself”. An English proverb has the same meaning: “What we give, we have, what we keep we lose”.

There are different situations in which our help may be needed. For example, school classes are over. The pupils come out into the school yard. There they see a big boy come up to a first-former to take away his money. The little one is holding it in his hands and will not give it. The big boy begins to show that he is much stronger than the first-former. In this situation you can either go away as if you didn 't see anything or you can try to help. It is obvious that you can have some troubles, but if you are really ready to help, you 'll protect the child, and in his eyes you'll become a hero. And who knows , maybe some day he'll act the same. Your deed will help him to remember the general rule: you must always be ready to help someone and it doesn’t matter if this one is young or old."