Предмет: Русский язык, автор: aleksnadtoka

соединить стрелкой имя прилагательное с тем именем существительным, с которым оно связано по смыслу.
   В золотом кораблике из березового листа на тонкой своей паутинке спускается в гибком блюдце паучок.


Автор ответа: fashionKUKA
В золотом кораблике
Березового листа
Тонкой паутинке
Гибком блюдце
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: myrzaeva014
1. Knowledge … power.
Are is were
3. You go to buy a copy of your usual newspaper, The Times. The assistant gives
you The Guardian instead. You go back to the shop. What do you say?
1) You’ve made a mistake. Could you change this for me, please?
2) I think there’s been a mistake. Could you change this for me, please?
3) I’ve made a silly mistake. Could you change this for me, please?
4. Many years ago the name of London was …
5. What is right?
a month’s holiday
a month holiday
a monthes’s holiday
6. What is a definition of a barber?
suitable for both men and women
someone who gives you money for doing something
a men’s hairdresser
7. I do wish you’d grow up, Ben! You’re so … at times.
8. A handwriting book, of the time before printing was invented is called …
9. A person who often gives presents is …
ambitious 10. When you arrive at the airport, the first thing you must do is present yourself at

the welcome desk
the entry desk
the check-in desk
11. If the doctor didn’t operate on him, he …
would die
will die
won’t die
12. What kind of stories are about imaginary future developments in science and
their efforts on life, often concerned with space travel?
science fiction
horror books
13. Who discovered the law of gravity when an apple fell on his head?
14. You see an accident. What wouldn’t you do in this situation?
1) I would phone the emergency service.
2) I would ask my friends to lend me a large amount of money.
3) I would make sure that the people were OK.
15. What is English marmalade?
apple jam
orange jam
16. t can be hard. It can be floppy.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Nikname30
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The American men of wealth exist today as they did a quarter or half a century ago. The old multimillionaire families who made their fortune at the dawn of monopoly capitalism have been preserved in the main and many of them have greatly increased both their wealth and their influence.

It is no easy task to detect a millionaire and ascertain his wealth. It is even more difficult to determine the exact number of people who could be put in the category of ‘top-wealth holders‘ in America. The American magazine ‘Fortune’ conducted such an investigation. The magazine did not resort to statistical calculations and based its estimates on a poll of income tax experts and the millionaires themselves, on materials of government archives and information about the wealth of millionaires which appear in the press from time to time. According to various estimates, to which ‘Fortune' refers, the number of persons owning more than $50,000,000 ranged from 150 to 500. Studying for several months the biggest fortunes, the magazine succeeded in definitely establishing the names of I55 persons who owned capital of that size. The magazine remarked that most likely there is another 100. ‘Fortune' thus estimated that there were approximately 250 persons, each owning more than $50,000,000.

Among these people there are so called ‘Old Fortunes’ whose owners are famous and known all over the world — the Rockefellers and the Fords.

At the beginning of the 20th century, John D. Rockefeller, Sr. himself calculated his fortune with precision up to one cent and set it at $815,600,000. In I968, ‘Fortune’ estimated the total of the capital belonging to the six Rockefeller brothers and one sister at from $1,200 million to $1,800 million.

In the mid-l920s the Fords’ fortune was estimated at $660 million and consisted almost exclusively of the personal capital of Henry Ford invested in the Ford Motor Company. Nowadays the personal fortune of the Fords can be estimated at $1,200 - 1,500 million.