Предмет: Русский язык, автор: martinova246

Когда пишется разделительный ъ, а когда - ь?


Автор ответа: сидорр

        Употребление ъ Разделительный ъ пишется перед буквами е, ё,ю,я: 
        после приставки, оканчивающейся на согласную: подъезд, съёмка, предъюбилейный, межъядерный; перед другими гласными ъ не пишется: собезьянничать, сузить, сэкономить; 
        в иноязычных словах, в которых имеется приставка, оканчивающаяся на согласную (аб-, ад-, диз-, ин-, интер-, кон-, контр-, об-, суб-, супер-, транс-), или составная частица пан-: адъютант, дизъюнкция, инъекция, конъюнктура, суперъястребы, трансъевропейский, панъяпонский; 
        в сложных словах, первую часть которых образуют числительные двух-, трех-, четырех-: двухъярусный, трехъязычный. 
        Данное правило не распространяется на сложносокращенные слова: детясли, Госюриздат. 

  Употребление ь
               Разделительный ь пишется: 
        перед е, ё, и, ю, я внутри слова, не после приставки: портьера, соловьиный, вьюга, крестьянин, подьячий; 
        в некоторых иноязычных словах перед о: медальон, почтальон, шампиньон.

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1. "I've asked you not to tidy my table," said Nikolay Yevgrafitch. "
2. Be so good as to look for it. It's from Kazan, dated yesterday."
3. When she heard of this, Olga Dmitrievna affected to be very much alarmed; she began to be affectionate to her husband, and kept assuring him that it would be cold and dull in the Crimea, and that he had much better go to Nice, and that she would go with him, and there would nurse him, look after him, take care of him.
4. Now, he understood why his wife was so particularly anxious to go to Nice: her Michel lived at Monte Carlo.
5. He pictured the pitiable, ludicrous part he would play if he had agreed to go to Nice with his wife.
6. He remembered how in his father's house in the village a bird would sometimes chance to fly in from the open air into the house and would struggle desperately against the window-panes and upset things; so this woman from a class utterly alien to him had flown into his life and made complete havoc of it.
7. The best years of his life had been spent as though in hell, his hopes for happiness shattered and turned into a mockery, his health gone, his rooms as vulgar in their atmosphere as a cocotte's, and of the ten thousand he earned every year he could never save ten roubles to send his old mother in the village, and his debts were already about fifteen thousand.
8. He ought to have gone to bed and got warm, but he could not. He kept walking about the rooms, or sat down to the table, nervously fidgeting with a pencil and scribbling mechanically on a paper.
9. It seemed to him now that if Olga Dmitrievna had married some one else who might have had a good influence over her—who knows?— she might after all have become a good, straightforward woman.
10. "I haven't long to live now," he thought. "I am a dead man, and ought not to stand in the way of the living. It would be strange and stupid to insist upon one's rights now.
11. "I am not a millionaire to lose money like that. He says he'll pay it back, but I don't believe him; he's poor . . ."
12. "I happened to see this;" and he handed her the telegram.
13. "If you love that young man, love him; if you want to go abroad to him, go.
14. You are young, healthy, and I am a wreck, and haven't long to live.
15. She moved to another seat nearer him to look at the expression of his face.
16. it seemed to him that there was a gleam of green light in her eyes as in a cat's.
17. He suddenly had an impulse to say "Never"; but he restrained himself and said:
18. And what's more, if you care to know, I'm not certain that my feeling will last long . . . so there! I'm not going to leave you."
19. And Nikolay Yevgrafitch himself in the photograph looked such a guileless soul, such a kindly, good fellow, so open and simple-hearted; his whole face was relaxed in the naïve, good-natured smile of a divinity student, and he had had the simplicity to believe that that company of beasts of prey into which destiny had chanced to thrust him would give him romance and happiness and all he had dreamed of when as a student he used to sing the song "Youth is wasted, life is nought, when the heart is cold and loveless."
20. When at eleven o'clock he put on his coat to go to the hospital the servant came into his study.

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