Предмет: Українська література, автор: Б2у0

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На перший погляд - йому, може, лiт до двадцятка добиралося. Чорний шовковий пух тiльки що висипався на верхнiй губi, де колись малося бути вусам; на мов стесанiй борiдцi де-где поп'ялось тонке, як павутиння, волоссячко. Нiс невеличкий, тонкий, трохи загострений; темнi карi очi - теж гострi; лице довгообразе - козаче; нi високого, нi низького зросту, - тiльки плечi широкi, та груди високi... Оце й уся врода.
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It’s responsible for love
2. A sweet medicine
3. Literary fans
4. An alternative holiday
5.It’s not only for people
6.It’s important to see the right bird
7.The meaning of the name
8.A message sent by flowers

The most common present on St Valentine’s Day is a box of chocolates. The tradition goes back to the 1800s when doctors made patients eat chocolate to make them feel happier. This might also be the reason why in the 1860s Richard Cadbury produced his heart-shaped box of chocolates exclusively for Valentine’s Day.
St Valentine’s Day is a perfect occasion to express your deepest feelings to the person you love. On Valentine's Day lovers, friends, and family members exchange Valentine’s Day Gifts as symbols of love. However, statistics say that nearly 9 million people prefer celebrating Valentine’s Day with their pets and give them presents. The reason is that most pet owners consider animals to be more grateful and loyal than humans.
The red heart is the main Valentine symbol. Red is traditionally associated with the colour of blood. At one time, people thought that the heart, which pumps blood, was the part of the body that generates love. In fact, when the Egyptians mummified their dead for burial, they removed every organ but the heart because they believed the heart was the only part of the body necessary for the trip through eternity.
Each rose sent on Valentine’s Day has some meaning. For example, a red rose means love and respect, pink says, “I am having sweet thoughts about you” and a white rose states, “I am worthy of you”. Besides, it is believed that 1 rose stands for love at first sight, 11 flowers mean that the receiver is truly and deeply loved, 108 roses are recommended for marriage proposals and 999 roses mean “We’ll always be together.”
Some superstitions about seeing birds on Valentine’s Day are really funny. Once it was believed that if a woman saw a flying robin on Valentine’s Day, she would get married to a sailor. However, if she saw a sparrow, her future husband would be poor. Meanwhile, if she saw a goldfinch, then she would marry a millionaire. However, there is no answer who she would marry if she saw a pigeon, as history does not say anything about pigeons.
The two characters, Romeo and Juliet, from the play by William Shakespeare are remembered all over the world as the emblem of romance. The young lovers lived in the Italian city of Verona. On every Valentine’s Day this city still receives about 1,000 letters addressed to Juliet. The fictional character is still alive for many people who believe in romantic and immortal love.
Started by a group of feminists, ‘Quirkyalone Day’ is celebrated on February 14 as an opposite to Valentine’s Day. The new holiday started in 2003 as a celebration of romance, freedom and individuality. It’s a day to celebrate the things you enjoy doing alone. Ways to celebrate include: buying yourself a new dress, taking a long walk without your mobile phone, exploring a new part of town, trying a new recipe etc.