Предмет: Русский язык, автор: zgililova

как составить предложения из слов: съезд, подъем, въезжать, объявления, вьюга, ружье, барьер, серьёзный, ладьи.?


Автор ответа: prohorina3
у маего дяди есть ружьё. на севере начилась сильная вьюга. мама серёжи очень серьёзный человек у обновил компьютер  здесь крутой подъём . в гарох много крутызх  съездов мы въехаль в город

zgililova: а барьер и оадьи
zgililova: *ладьи
Автор ответа: Annasidyakina
Вчера в Государственной филармонии состоялся Съезд народных депутатов. В последние годы экономика и культура нашей страны переживают существенный подъем.
Автомобилистам категорически запрещено въезжать на территорию леса.
Германия развернула военные действия против Польши без объявления войны.
Вчерашняя вьюга явилась причиной стать невыездными всем автомобилям.
В кабинете отца, на стене висит красивое старинное ружье.
Горы Пиренеи выступают как естественный барьер между Испанией и Францией.
Разлад в семейной жизни супругов может существенно повлиять на их дальнейшие взаимоотношения.
В шахматных фигурах две черных и две белых ладьи.
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: shakira2004
On April 23, 1564 William Shakespeare was born in Stratford - upon - Avon. His mother was the daughter of a farmer. His father was a glove - maker. William attended a grammar school in Stratford and had quite a good education. There he learned to love reading.

While he was a teenager, he married a woman some years older than himself. He had three children: the eldest is the daughter and then twins – a son and another girl. In 1587 William went to work in London leaving his family at home. Some people say that the reason was his love of poetry and theatre.

In London Shakespeare began to write plays and become an important member of a well - known acting company. Most of his plays were performed in the new Globe Theatre built on the bank of the river Thames. In 1613 he stopped writing and went to live in Stratford when he died in 1616. His plays are well - known and still acted not only in England but in the whole world.

Reading - Comprehension Test № 1.

Write down the words and phrases used in the text
1.worker, farmer 3. 2 children, 3 children
2.listening, reading 4. cinema, theatre
Complete the sentences according to the text
1. Shakespeare was born…

a) on April 22 b) on April 23 c) on August 23

2. Shakespeare’s father was…

a) a glove - maker b) a clock - maker c) a shoe - maker

3. At school William learned to love…

a) dancing b) reading c) singing

4. Shakespeare went to work in…

a) New York b) Cardiff c) London

3Write down if the sentences are true to the text or false
1)Shakespeare had twin daughters.
2)In 1587 Shakespeare went to work in London.
3)The Globe Theatre was built on the bank of the river Clyde.
4)Shakespeare’s plays are staged only in Britain
5Answer the questions on the text
1)Where was W. Shakespeare born?
2)What school did W. Shakespeare attend in Stratford?
3)What did Shakespeare do in London?
4)Where and when did Shakespeare die?
5Put the sentences in the order they are used in the text
1)Most of his plays were staged in the Globe Theatre.
2)He married a woman some years older than himself.
3)William had quite a good education.
4)He stopped writing and went to live in Stratford.
Предмет: История, автор: egorkazan
Предмет: Математика, автор: vikasik59