Предмет: Русский язык, автор: pogosova2004

Как правильно определять 1 и 2 спряжение?


Автор ответа: Б0Г
I спр: окончания: ет, ешь, ем, ут, ете...
II: у, ишь, ите... 


pogosova2004: Это не так
pogosova2004: я знаю ответ кажется но я просто проверяю
pogosova2004: Это ты ошибся
pogosova2004: -ут(-ют) - это глагол первого спряжения;
-ат(-ят) - это глагол второго спряжения.
pogosova2004: вот так
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним

Animal husbandry or pastoral farming is no less important than field husbandry. It comprises cattle-breeding; sheep-rearing and hog-growing, to say nothing of some minor branches, as poultry-breeding, rabbit-breeding, apiculture, etc. Cattle can be roughly subdivided into draft cattle which has almost everywhere been replaced by various types of agricultural machinery; dairy cattle which provides dairy products (milk, butter, cream, cheese, etc.), beef cattle and dual purpose cattle. The measure of merit of cattle is dependent upon the breed. The herds cannot be improved without the use of sires from pedigree stock. Cattle-breeding on a scientific scale is not only aimed at improving the breed, but also at increasing the head of cattle; in stock-raising areas the herds are usually very big and the more heifers and calves are to be seen on the grazing lands, or in the corrals, the better the cattle-rearing farm is run. One of the principal problems cattle-breeding faces is that of fodder or feeds. To choose the necessary feeds, rich enough in protein and other nutrient substances is not an easy thing. As is well known, hay stands out as the main provender, but special crops are also grown for feeding cattle. They are mainly mangle, various leguminous plants, such as alfalfa, cow-peas, etc. Clover takes a vital part, while oilcake left over after the extraction of oil from linseed cotton-seed and er other varieties of oil-bearing seeds ranks particularly high in protein content. Most farms both those going in for dive fied mixed farming and those that specialize in stock-breed have ensilage towers where silo or ensilage is obtained through fermentation and stored. Ensilage is recognized to be an excellent feed by most cattle-breeders. As a general rule, dairy products are processed on the farm. In the creamery milk is skimmed and churned into while some part is tumed into cream or sour cream. The production of cheese and canned milk is mostly effected at cheese factories and condenseries. After the bulk of the fat is removed from the milk, whey remains. It is still useful as a feed for domestic animals and also can be used for making curds. Beef cattle is mostly sent to the slaughter-houses on hoof. Big meatpacking plants after the slaughter of cattle are engaged in curing, smoking, corning and especially canning the meat. Mechanization is implemented on a large scale in cattle-breeding. Particular significance belongs to it in feeding and milking. Automatic bunks (gravity belt, rationing feeder, etc.) are gradually being introduced.