Предмет: Английский язык, автор: prus2795

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Simplicity of Form. Old English like modern German, French, Russian and Greek, had many inflections to show singular and plural, tense, person, etc., but over the centuries words have been simplified. Verbs now have very few inflections. And adjectives do not change according to the noun. Flexibility. As the result of the loss of inflections, English has become, over the past five centuries a very flexible language. Without inflections, the same word can operate as many different parts of speech. Many nouns and verbs have the same form, for example, swim, drink, kiss, look, and smile. We can talk about water to drink and to water the flowers; time to go and to time a race; a paper to read and to paper a bedroom. Adjectives can be used as verbs. We warm our hands in front of a fire; if clothes are dirtied they need to be cleaned and dried. Prepositions too are flexible. A sixty-year old man is nearing retirement; we can talk about a round of golf, cards or drinks. Openness of Vocabulary. This involves the free admission of words from other languages and the easy creation of compounds and derivatives. Most world languages have contributed some words to English at some time, and the process is now being reversed. Purists of the French, Russian and Japanese languages are resisting the arrival of English in their vocabulary. The Future of English. Geographically, English is the most widespread language on the Earth, second only to Mandarin Chinese in the number of people who speak it. It is the language of business, technology, aviation and sport. This will no doubt continue, although the proposition that all other languages will die out is absurd.


Автор ответа: ПростоЛёка
1. Old English like modern German, French, Russian and Greek, had many inflections to show singular and plural, tense, person, didn't it?
2/  Do verbs now have very few inflections?
 3/ And adjectives do not change according to the noun, do they?
 4/ Why has English become, over the past five centuries a very flexible language?
5/ Without inflections, the same word can operate as many different parts of speech, can't it?
 6/ Can we can talk about water to drink and to water the flowers; time to go and to time a race; a paper to read and to paper a bedroom?
 7/ Is a sixty-year old man inearing retirement; we can talk about a round of golf, cards or drinks?
 8/ What has contributed some words to English at some time, and the process is now being reversed?
 9/ Is English the most widespread language on the Earth, second only to Mandarin Chinese in the number of people who speak it?
 10/ Is it the language of business, technology, aviation and sport?

prus2795: спасибо)
ПростоЛёка: ))
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