Предмет: Русский язык, автор: людашкин

разобрать на морфемы слова: солнце, обхватила, садится, стеклянный, прозрачен, вдали,  мягкий, росой, падает, жидкого, стогов, побежали, звезда, бледнеет, синеет, отдельные, наливается.


Автор ответа: ХарлиКвин
Корень буду заключать в круглые скобки, окончание в квадратные, суффиксы в кавычки, всё, что перед корнем - приставка
(Солнц)[е], об(хват)"и""л"[a], (сад)"ит"[]"ся" (окончание нулевое), (стекл)"я"нн"[ый] (два суффикса), про(зрач)"ен", в(дал)[и], (мягк)[ий], (рос)[ой], (пад)"а"[ет], (жид)"к"[ого], (стог)[ов], по(беж)"а""л"[и] (тоже два суффикса), (звезд)[а], (бледн)"е""ет" (два), (син)"е""ет" (два), (отдель)н[ые], на(лив)ается. 
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: 09081998

Упражнение 11. Употребите предлоги места to илиat, где необходимо.
2. I‟m tired. I‟m going(-)home. 3. Ann is not very well. She has gone … the doctor. 4. Would you like to come … a party on Saturday? 5. „Is Liz … home?‟ “No, she‟s gone …work.‟ 6. There were 20,000 people … the football match. 7. Why did you go … home early last night? 8. A boy jumped into the river and swam …the other side. 9. There were a lot of people waiting … the bus stop. 10. We had a good meal … a restaurant and then we went back … the hotel.
Упражнение 12. Употребите предлоги места at, to, in, где необходимо.
2. We‟re going … a concert tomorrow evening. 3. I went … New York last year. 4. How long did you stay … New York? 5. Next year we hope to go … Canada to visit some friends. 6. Shall we go … the cinema this evening? 7. Is there a restaurant … this station? 8. After the accident three people were taken … hospital. 9. How often do you go … the dentist? 10. „Is Diane here?‟ „No, she‟s ... Ann‟s.‟ 11. My house is … the end of the street on the left. 12. I went … Mary‟s house but she wasn‟t … home. 13. There were no taxis, so we had to walk … home. 14. „What did you study … university?‟ „I didn‟t go … university.‟
Упражнение 13. Завершите предложения, употребив артикль the, используя слова из строки.
Alps, Amazon, Andes, Asia, Atlantic, Bahamas, Cairo, Kenya, Malta, Pacific, Red Sea, Rhine, Sweden, Tokyo, United States
2.The Atlantic is between Africa and America. 3. … is a country in northern Europe. 4. … is a river in South America. 5. … is the largest continent in the world. 6. … is the largest ocean. 7. … is a river in Europe. 8. … is a country in East Africa. 9. … are between Canada and Mexico. 10. … are mountains in South America. 11. … is the capital of Japan. 12. … are mountains in central Europe. 13. … is between Saudi Arabia and Africa. 14. … is an island in the Mediterranean. 15. … are a group of islands near Florida.
Упражнение 14. Употребите артикль the, где необходимо.
2. We went to see a play atthe National Theatre. 3. Have you ever been to China? 4. Have you ever been to Philippines? 5. Have you ever been to south of France? 6. Can you tell me where Regal cinema is? 7. Can you tell me where Merion Street is? 8. Can you tell me where Museum of Modern Art is? 9. Europe is bigger than Australia. 10. Belgium is smaller than Netherlands. 11. Which river is longer – Mississippi of Nile? 12. Did you go to National Gallery when you were in London? 13. “Where did you stay?” “At Park Hotel in Hudson Road.” 14. How far is it from Trafalgar Square to Victoria Station? 15. Rocky Mountains are in North America. 16. Texas is famous for oil and cowboys. 17. Panama Canal joins Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean. 18. I hope to go to United States next year. 19. Mary comes from a small town in west of Ireland. 20. Alan studied physics at Manchester University.

Предмет: Английский язык, автор: natalya1151