Предмет: Английский язык, автор: RMD

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Learning a second language is beneficial to all. Learning to speak foreign languages may be the best thing you can do to improve your life and open new doors. 
First of all, you get access to knowledge. What are you interested in? Is it science? Music? Computers? Health? Business? Sports? Today's media, such as the internet, television, and the press, give you almost unlimited access to knowledge about your favorite subjects. After all, we live in the information age, don't we? There's only one problem. Most of this knowledge is in a foreign language. 
If you can communicate in other languages, you can: Contact people from all over the world. Talk about your ideas and opinions on internet discussion groups. Send e-mail to interesting people. Learn about their life and c Travel more easily. Communicate with people wherever you go. Ask directions, have a conversation, or... ask for help. Who knows, may be a foreign language will save your life someday! 
Language competence in a second language increases your job opportunities, and pushes your career forward. If you want a good job in business, technology, or science, get out of that armchair and start learning languages now! 
Knowing a foreign language will let you: 
Put "excellent knowledge of English or French" on your CV. Get your dream job, earn more money and create your future. 
Gain technical knowledge. If you're going to read about technology, computer science, genetics or medicine, you'll probably have to do it in a foreign language. So you will understand your subject area even better and become a solid employee. 
Foreign languages let you experience the culture of the world. You can do wonderful things, such as watch films in their original form. Once you try it this way, you'll never go back to dubbed versions! You can also read great books. There is an amazing number of titles — from classic plays like Hamlet to modern love stories like A Knight in Shining Armor and modern thrillers like Jurassic Park. And what about enjoying music more? Believe us, music is much better if you can understand the words. 
Learning languages is not only useful, but it also gives you a lot of satisfaction. 
Making progress feels great. You'll never forget the moment you discover you can speak with foreigners or watch a TV programme in another language. Languages make you a more powerful, happier person. It is not difficult to imagine some of the situations where knowing a foreign language would give you a great feeling.


Автор ответа: Polichka2014
           Learning a second language is beneficial to all. Learning to speak foreign languages may be the best thing you can do to improve your life and open new doors. 
         First of all, you get access to knowledge. Today's media, such as the internet, television, and the press, give you almost unlimited access to knowledge about your favorite subjects.
               If you can communicate in other languages, you can: Contact people from all over the world. Talk about your ideas and opinions on internet discussion groups. Communicate with people wherever you go. 

            Knowing a foreign language will let you: Put "excellent knowledge of English or French" on your CV. Get your dream job, earn more money and create your future. Gain technical knowledge.     
           Foreign languages let you experience the culture of the world. You can do wonderful things, such as watch films in their original form. You can also read great books. Music is much better if you can understand the words. 

           Learning languages is not only useful, but it also gives you a lot of satisfaction.Languages make you a more powerful, happier person. 
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Современный зритель, глядя на средневековые иконы, нередко обращает
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вовсе не стремился к оригинальности. Наоборот, он старался следовать уже созданным
произведениям, которые были признаны всеми за образец. Поэтому каждый святой
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