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Hallo Markus

Хочу тебе
рассказать, как я отдохнул этим летом. Первый месяц каникул ушел на подготовку
к соревнованиям, которые состоялись в Таврическом это поселок городского типа. На соревнованиях было весело, правда, мы заняли
предпоследнее место. После соревнований я со своими родителями ездил отдыхать в
Казахстан, было очень весело . Я был в Астане видел много очень интересного. Когда
я приехал домой, мне нужно было в школе пройти практику. На практике мы
помогаем школе, выполняя различную работу. 

По вечерам я
ходил гулять с друзьями. После практики я уехал в город Омск. В городе я хорошо
отдохнул. Дома, Когда шел дождь, я слышал музыку и смотрел фильмы. Эти каникулы
я провел gut. Напиши
мне, как ты провел свои каникулы!


Автор ответа: ofateeva2003
I want you
to tell, as I rested this summer. The first month of holidays spent in the preparation of
for the competition, which took place in the Tauride this urban village. The competition was fun, though, we took
the last place. After the competition me and my parents went to rest in
Kazakhstan was a lot of fun . I was in Astana saw many very interesting. When
I came home, I had at school internship. In practice, we
help the school, performing various jobs. 

In the evening I
went for a walk with friends. After practice I went to the city of Omsk. In the city I'm good
had a rest. Home When it rained, I heard the music and watched movies. These holidays
I spent the gut. Write
me, how did you spend your holiday!
Автор ответа: mkv19971
I want you tell you how I vacationed this summer. The first month of vacation left for training for the competition, which took place in the Tauride is an urban village. At the competition was fun, though, we took penultimate place. After the competition, I went with my parents for a vacation Kazakhstan was a lot of fun. I was in Astana saw a lot of very interesting things. when I came home, I had to go to school practice. In practice we have help the school, performing various jobs. 
In the evenings I went for a walk with friends. After practice, I went to the city of Omsk. In the city I had a good rested. Home, When there was rain, I heard the music and watched movies. this vacation I spent the gut. Write me how you spend your vacation!
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