Предмет: Математика, автор: ELENAIVANOVA70

Как находится периметр? 3 класс


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Периметр любой геометрической фигуры - это сумма всех её сторон.  Сложите длины всех сторон -  и получите периметр.

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Methods of teaching counting and the basics of mathematics for
preschool children through play.
In preschool years, play is essential in the life of a young child.
It is the leading activity. In the game, it is possible to draw the
attention of children to such objects that in ordinary non-play
conditions they are not interested in and on which it is very
difficult to focus attention.
The most difficult topic for preschool children is mathematics.
To develop a cognitive interest in mathematical knowledge, a
variety of methods and techniques for teaching mathematics are
used, they are attracted with colorful visual and handouts, and
also one of the effective means of awakening a keen interest in
the subject are didactic games.
What kind of games are used to form mathematical concepts in
children? Introducing children to numbers, they give various
games such as "Blind a number from plasticine", "What a
number looks like", "Find objects around us that resemble a
number." Children learn to guess riddles of mathematical
content, learn poems about numbers, get acquainted with fairy
tales that contain numbers. When getting acquainted with any
number, children are offered such tasks as: name proverbs,
sayings, catchphrases, the name of fairy tales, where a number
would be present (“one is not a warrior in the field”, “measure 7
times and cut once”, “2 greedy teddy bear ", etc.). Often they
use a game such as "Draw something using numbers" - here
children can draw a person's face, a pattern, a snowman or any
other object that develops the children's imagination. Also,
children really like the game "Draw a number". Children show
numbers with their fingers, hands, using their bodies, in pairs. In
pairs, children like to write on each other's backs or on their
palms. Recently, children are very fond of didactic material
called "Voskobovich's Games". Children with great pleasure
collect various figures and shapes using rubber bands and studs.
Here knowledge of numbers and colors is consolidated.
When studying geometric shapes, children love to play a game:
"A couple of words" = for example: they say to children: circle -
children name an object that looks like a circle - a steering
wheel; square - picture; oval is an egg, and vice versa: I name
the object, and the children name the shape. Children also like
the game "What a superfluous figure" - here children not only
name and show an extra figure, but also explain why it does not
fit, why it is superfluous. (For example: 3 volumetric figures,
and one is planar). Also use such games: "Find a lid for each
box", "Pick up a patch", "Columbus egg", "Tangram", "Dienesh
blocks". Children express figures, both from the model and from
memory. Fixing geometric shapes, they use games: "Geometric
Lotto", "Coding Figures." To develop visual attention, they play
the game: "Count how many triangles, circles."
Very often used for OD games with sticks. First, they give
simple tasks, for example: to lay out the pattern according to the
sample, as a keepsake, and then the task became more
complicated: they suggest making 2 equal squares of 7 sticks,
making a square of their two sticks (using the corner of the
table). Also, children are not indifferent to the "Kiusner's
Sticks", with the help of which they can easily count, the
composition of the number, etc.
Working on the section "Measuring a value", in addition to the
usual methods, all well-known methods use games such as:
measure in steps, with a conventional measurement, gave
children a creative task: Help find the answer to non-standard
• How to measure the length of a venomous snake?
• How can you measure a person's strength?
• How to measure rain noise? His strength?
Didactic games are also used in the section “Number and
counting”. For example: “Even-odd”, “Say a number one more -
less”. The games "How many of us are without one"
(countdown, "What number I have in mind") are interesting.
When studying the numbers of the second ten, games are used:
"Who knows, let him count further", "What numbers are
missing", "Name the neighbors."
When forming cyclic images, they offer games such as "What
comes first, what next", "Color, continuing the pattern", "Which
figure will be the last."
Very often problems are used on OD - jokes are entertaining
game problems with mathematical meaning. They should not be
solved like ordinary problems using one or another arithmetic
operation. For the solution, you need to show resourcefulness,
ingenuity, understanding of humor. They encourage children to
reason, think, find an answer using the knowledge they already
have. Such tasks - jokes are used in conducting math
Предмет: Математика, автор: Roma12344321