Предмет: Литература, автор: kseniawolf

краткое содержание Тринадцатый подвиг геракла


Автор ответа: ПростоЛёка
Военное время. Школа. Новый учитель математики пользуется большим авторитетом у пятиклассников. Он хорошо ведет уроки, рассказывает много интересного, но очень строгий и так умело высмеивает учеников, что страшно становится. 
Автор вспоминает, как он не решил домашнюю задачу и обманом завлек врача и медсестру в свой класс для проведения прививок во время именно урока математики. Так он пытался избежать "двойки". Учитель молча сидел на последней парте и ждал, пока медики выполнят свою работу, а после того, как они ушли, он стал рассказывать ребятам о двенадцати подвигах Геракла, героя греческой мифологии. И вдруг он сказал, что есть в этом классе молодой человек, который сегодня совершил тринадцатый подвиг Геракла, и он хотел бы знать, во имя чего это произошло. 
Автор понял, что его план провалился, ему было очень стыдно, а ребята от души смеялись. Учитель вызвал его к доске, попросил объяснить решение домашней задачи и поставил-таки ему "двойку", но не это огорчило автора больше всего, ему было стыдно быть высмеянным. 
Он запомнил этот урок на всю жизнь.
Хороший и очень поучительный рассказ.    герои
Рассказчик- автор
Харлампий Диогенович - учитель математики
Адольф - одноклассник автора
Сахаров - отличник
Галочка - медсестра
Алик Комаров
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: swishhero228
4. Read and translate the text. (Прочитайте и переведите текст)
The English are a nation of stay-at-home. “There is no place like home,” they say. And when the man is not working he is at home in the company of his wife and children and busies himself with the affairs of the home. “The Englishman’s home is his castle,” is a saying known all over the world. And it is true.
A “typical” British family used to consist of mother, father and two children, but in recent years there have been many changes in family life. Some of these have been caused by new laws and others are the result of changes in society. For example, since the law made it easier to get a divorce, the number of divorces has increased. In fact one marriage in every three now ends in divorce. This means that there are a lot of one-parent families. Society is now more tolerant than it used to be of unmarried people, unmarried couples and single parents.

Another change has been caused by the fact that people are living longer nowadays, and many old people live alone following the death of their partners. As a result of these changes in the pattern of people’s lives, there are many households which consist of only one person or one person and children.
You might think that marriage and the family are not so popular as they once were. However, the majority of divorced people marry again, and they sometimes take responsibility for a second family.
Members of a family – grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins – keep in touch, but they see less of each other than they used to. This is because people often move away from their town to work, and so the family becomes scattered. Christmas is the traditional season for reunions. Although the family group is smaller nowadays than it used to be, relatives often travel many miles in order to spend the holiday together.
In general, each generation is keep to become independent of parents in establishing its own family unit, and this fact can lead to social as well as geographical differences within the larger family group.
Relationships within the family are different now. Parents treat their children more as equals than they used to, and children have more freedom to make their own decisions. The father is more involved with bringing up children, often because the mother goes out to work. Increased leisure facilities and more money mean that there are greater opportunities outside the home. Although the family holiday is still an important part of family life (usually taken in August, and often abroad) many children have holidays away from their parents, often with a school party or other organized group.
Who looks after the older generation? There are about 10 million old-age pensioners in Britain, of whom about 750,000 cannot live entirely independently. The government gives financial help in the form of a pension but in the future it will be more and more difficult for the nation economy to support the increasing number of elderly. At the present time, more than half of all old people are looked after at home. Many others live in Old Peoples’ Homes, which may be private or state owned.
Предмет: Математика, автор: ufhf