пожалуйста помогите ответить на вопросы.... Is it easy for you to apologise? Do you usually reply to letters the day you receive them? Do you use abbreviations and smiley faces while texting on your phone? Have you ever chatted on the Internet? Do you know anyone who prays before going to bed? Are you looking forward to your holiday?
1. Is it easy for you to apologise? - It depends on situation. Usually - yes.
2. Do you usually reply to letters the day you receive them? - Yes, I usually replay to letters the day I receive them.
3. Have you ever chatted on the Internet? - Yes, of course! I`ve got many friends in the Internet.
4. Do you know anyone who prays before going to bed? -No, I don`t.
5. Are you looking forward to your holiday? - Yes, because I can spend all my free time with my friends!