Предмет: Литература, автор: Natalivlad

сказка о потерянном времени : согласен-поставь + , не согласен -
  Петя зубков учился в первом классе.
   Однажды он превратился в старика.
 Шел расстроенный Петя по лесу и набрел на избушку бабы ягию
 зашел мальчик в домик,зарырся в сено и уснул.
 Когда Петя проснулся,баба-яга его чаем напоила.
 За столом  сидели злые волшебники.
 Поведала баба-яга Пете свою печальную историю.
 Волшебники превращали детей  в стариков, а потерянное время забирали себе .
 Подарила баба-яга  Пете волшебную палочку.
 Выбрался Петя из домика и побежал в огород  искать  школьников-стариков.
 Ровно в полночь Петя переставил стрелки на часах.
 Взмахнул Петя  волшебной палочкой - и все его желания исполнились.
 Старики снова стали детьми, а волшебники - взрослыми.


Автор ответа: nikto231546
Автор ответа: NS0710
1,Не согласен. 2.Согласен. 3.Не согласен.4.Согласен. 5.Не согласен. 6.Согласен. 7.Не согласен. 8.Согласен. 9.Не согласен. 10.Согласен. 11.Согласен. 12.Не согласен.13.Согласен.
Автор ответа: Natalivlad
Большое спасибо !!!
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: gahahana64
Read the text and match the headings (A-G) to the paragraphs (1-5). There are two extr headings you do not need to use.
Ballet is a form of dancing performed for theater audiences. Like other dance forms, ballet may tell a stor express a mood, or simply reflect the music, But a ballet dancer's technique and special skills differ great Poapin 2 Readingfrom those of other dancers. Ballet dancers períorm many movements that are unnatural for the body. But they make these movements gracefully and with no sign of strain or effort.
Ballet dancers seem to ignore the law of gravity as they iloat through the air in long, slow leaps. They keep perfect balance while they spin like tops without becoming dizzy. In certain steps, their feet move so rapidly that the eye can hardly follow, The women often dance on the tips of their toes, and the men lift them high overhead as if they were as light as feathers.
The dancers take joy in controlling their bodies, and ballet audiences share their feelings. The viewers feel as if they were gliding and spinning with the dancers. Simply by using their bodies, ballet dancers are able to express many emotions, such as anger, jealousy, joy, and sadness. The lines of the dancers' bodies form beautiful, harmonious designs, Ballet technique is called classical because it stresses this purity and harmony of design.
In addition to the dance form called ballet, an individual dance work or performance using classical ballet technique is called a ballet. Any dance work involving a group of dancers may also be called a ballet even though it may not use classical ballet technique. For example, works of modern dance, musical comedy, and on television programs may or may not irtclude this technique, but many are called ballets. dance.
Classical ballet technique developed in France during the 1660's. Today, French words are used in all parts of the world for the various steps and positions. Dilferent ballet styles have developed int various countries. The American style is energetic and fast. British ballet is more refined. Russian ballet is forceful and showy, French ballet is pretty and decorative. Ballet dancers travel throughout the world and adopt features of foreign styles. Because of these international iníluences, all ballet is continually being broadened and enriched
A. Ballet styles
B. Theatre performance
C. No laws of Physics
D. Dance language and audience
E. Special body movements
F. Variety of ballet
G. Ballet technique and joy​