Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Margocom

1.сценарии американских фильмов пишутся слаборазвитыми для слабоумных
2.Эту станцию метро все еще строят.
3.Эти упражнения должны быть сделаны к следующему уроку.
4.Когда будет сделана эта книга? - Она будет сделана к следующему уроку.
5. Если эта книга не будет прочитана, то она не будет пересказана.
6.Концерт играли с 19 до 22 часов, все слушатели были усыплены замечательной музыкой.
7.Должна ли эта газета быть прочитана или она быть использована в туалете?
8.Об этом фильме так много говорили, что он должен быть куплен.
9.Как была сыграна эта пьеса? - Она была сыграна по человечески - с ошибками.
10.Когда спрашивали эту книгу?

Margocom: Ошибочка в 4 не книга, а работа
Anastasia8498: 1) American movies are written scripts for underdeveloped to feebleminded.
Anastasia8498: 2)this metro station is still building. 3)this exercises should be done to the next lesson.5)if this book will be readen,it would be retold.6)the concert was playing from 19 to 22 o'clock,all audience were euthanized with wonderful music.7)should this newspaper be readen or it can be used in the toilette. 8)this movie was debated a lot that it must be bought 9)how this piece was played?-it was played humanly-with mistakes
Anastasia8498: 10)when this book was asked?


Автор ответа: Werrina
1. Screenplays for the American films are written by half-educated persons for weak-minded ones.
2. This Metro station is still being built.
3. These exercises must be done by the next lesson.
4. When will this work be done? It will have been done by the next lesson.
5. If this book isn't read it won't be retold.
6. The concert was being played from 19 to 22 o'clock; all the listeners were lulled to sleep by wonderful music.
 7. Must this newspaper be read or can it be used in the toilet?
8. This film has been so much spoken about that it must be bought.
9. How was this play acted? It was acted humanly – with errors.
10. When was this book enquired for?
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