Предмет: Другие предметы, автор: Anastasi0610

Ситуация-проба «Уличная мораль».
В вашем классе произошел случай. Жестоко избили хорошего, но физически слабого мальчика за то, что он не поддержал предложение сбежать с урока черчения. Вы видели, кто бил, но в ответ на предложение директора выдать хулиганов вы промолчали.
Задание. Что вы сделаете дальше: а) пойдете к директору и все расскажете; б)напишите анонимную записку; в) расскажите родителям; г) ничего не предпримите? Дайте нравственную оценку этим поступкам.


Автор ответа: shur2000
Ответ "Б"Так как ни вы и никто не пострадает,а нападавших не знает кто видел его,соответственно его накажут,а вы останетесь невредимы
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: KamaPulya322
Нужен перевод текста
George Gordon Byron, who is often referred to as Lord, was a prominent English writer, poet and aristocrat. One of his most renowned characters was Child Harold - his alter ego, who became the prototype of numerous other heroes in European literature. That is why even after Byron’s death his books were highly demanded.
The well-known writer was born on January 22 in 1788 in London. However, his mother soon was divorced and moved with little George to Scotland where her relatives lived. From the very childhood, Byron suffered from physical disability, which influenced greatly his life. His right foot was deformed, which caused him a limp that resulted in lifelong misery. That is why he had quite a difficult personality and hysterical character.
In 1815, Byron married to Anabella Milbenk, who gave birth to his daughter a year later. However this marriage didn’t last; the couple soon divorced. In 1816, he left his native England and moved first to Geneva, then to Venice. The poet led as many would have said an immoral life. At the same time he continued writing new verses: the fourth song of “Child Harold”, the first parts of “Don Giovanni”, “Ode on Venice”, etc.
In April 1819 he met a woman who became his lifelong love. Her name was Countess T. Guiccioli. Although they often moved from one city to another, Byron’s creativity was on high level. During that period he wrote “Cain” (the play, 1820), “The Bronze Age” (1823). In 1820 he joined the movement of Italian Carbonari and in 1823 enthusiastically participated in the struggle for liberty held in Greece.