Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Dungean

Помогите с Английским,ответьте на вопросы!

1) What does Ms.Shannon do?
2) Where does she work?
3)Whay time does the school day begin?
4)What time does your school day begin?
5)How many days a year do the students at Ms. Shannon's shool go to school?
6)What are her 11 th graders currently student in history class?
7)What are her 10 th graders currently student?
8)What time does school end?
9)What time does your school day end?
10)What do some of the students do after school?
11)What do you usually do after shool?
12)What is Diversiye Day?
13)Do you think it it an inportant day?
14)What is the name of the student government at Ms. Shannon's school?
15)Does your school have extracurricular activities?

вот текст:

My name is Patricia Shannon. I am a history teacher at Simsbury High School in the state of Connecticut. I’d like to tell you about the daily activities at our school.

Each day begins at 8:00 a.m. Students first go to homeroom, where the homeroom teacher asks, “Who’s absent?” and informs the students of any special events. During this time, the principal of our school often makes special announcements over the intercom. Yesterday he announced that our girl’s gymnastics and soccer teams won their final game. The boy’s ice hockey team also did well this year. At the end of homeroom period, which lasts 10 minutes, the students go to their first class of the day.

I teach American history the first two periods of the day. These students are in eleventh grade and want to get good grades, so that they will be able to go to a good college or university. I only have 180 school days to teach them everything about the history of America. This includes the time of the way European settlements in “the New World” all the way to this year! This may seem easy to our European friends whose national history covers ten or more centuries!

At noon the students gather in a large cafeteria where they purchase their lunch or eat something they brought from home. Most of the students bring sandwiches and buy juice or milk. The cafeteria is a busy place and noisy too, because the students meet with their friends and have a chance to talk.

After lunch I teach two classes of tenth graders, they have just completed their study of the Second World War. They always find it interesting!

Each of my classes is 45 minutes long and the school day ends with the seventh period at 2:00 p.m. But most of the students and the teachers stay at school much longer.

Many of the students come in to ask questions about their assignments, to get extra help with their lessons, or even just to “chat”.

The day is only half over for athletes who stay for practice or for drama students who rehearse for school plays and musical. There are also club activities, such as Debate Club, Math Club, and Science Club.

One club that I advice is the Diversity Club. We talk about how important it is to understand people of different cultures and religious groups. This March we had a Diversity Day. Students from our school attended seminars to give their opinions and make recommendations. The students have their own government at our high school. It is called the Student Council. The students elect representatives to the Student Council. Each grade elects a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. They make suggestions about changes in school rules and organize dances and other school activities.

As you can see from this list of extracurricular activities, there are many things our students do besides attending classes in math, science, language, and history!

The most exciting thing for my students at this time of year is that the school year is almost over!


Автор ответа: Chizuru
1. Ms.Shannon is a history teacher.
2. He works at Simsbury High School in the state of Connecticut.
Each day begins at 8:00 a.m. 
 My school day begins at 8.30 a.m. ( или другое время начала уроков)
5. Ther are 
only have 180 school days a year  that  the students at Ms. Shannon's school go to school. 
The students of 11grade learn everything about the history of America, including the time of the way European settlements in “the New World.
The students of 10grade  have just completed their study of the Second World War.
8. The school time ends at 2:00 p.m
9. In my s
chool school day ends at .. ( время окончания уроков в твоей школе) 
10 The students visit a clubs activities, such as Debate Club, Math Club, and Science Club after shool, some of them  stay for practice or for drama students who rehearse for school plays and musical.
11. I ... after shool ( перечислить что ты делаешь после школы) 
Diversity Day is a day when the students from school attended seminars to give their opinions and make recommendations.  
13 Yes, I do ( Да) //  No, I did not ( нет)
(Как ты думаешь, это важный день? (написать почему))
 It is called the Student Council. 
15. Есть ли в твоей школе внеклассные мероприятия. Если да, то написать какие. 

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