Напишите пожалуйста письмо другу, про то какую одежду носят мои одноклассники.
Dear Tom,
Thanks a lot for your letter. It was interesting to learn about your school and your school uniform. I'm glad that you like your uniform.
Well, as for my school, there is no mandatory uniform here, but there is a dress code. That means that we are not allowed to wear jeans or baggy trousers and there are limits on skirt, shirt, and trousers length. So our boys usually wear trousers and shirts with jackets or waistcoats, and our girls wear dresses or skirts and blouses. The girls are allowed to wear trousers, but not too tight ones.
You also asked me about the clothes we wear outside school. I think it's the same as in your country: jeans, T-shirts, jackets, hoodies... Our girls like to wear leggings. And we all love sneakers. Do your classmates wear sneakers too? What brands are popular with them?
Well, I’d better go now as it's time for my football practice.
Drop me a letter when you can.
All the best,
(ваше имя)