Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Yulia2014m

Продолжите описание.Что ещё можно увидеть зимой через окно 
Утро.Выглядываю в кусочек окна,не запущённый морозом,и не узнаю леса.Какое великолепие и спокойствие!
Над глубокими,свежими снегами,завалившими чащи елей,синее,огромное и удивительное нежное небо.


Автор ответа: LizochkaYurchenko
Дети вешают кормушки, чтобы накормить голубей, воробьёв. Слышен крик и смех детей, которые скатываются со снежных горок. Иней, он плавно и красиво лёг на ещё не сгнившую траву, обвил ветви различных деревьев.
В общем зима - пора секретов и не разгаданных загадок.

LizochkaYurchenko: Нормально?
Yulia2014m: спасибо,очень даже ничего:)\
LizochkaYurchenko: незачто)
LОL1: норм)
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: supremem
Finally on 12 January Scott and his men got to the South Pole. There they saw a Norwegian flag; Amundsen had got there two weeks before.
The people in Scott's expedition died on their way back to the camp. Winter killed them.
They were not the first at the South Pole, but in the hearts of people all over the world they did a more important thing. They showed an example of courage, strength and love for their country.
There is a simple wooden cross in the Antarctic. People put it
there in the memory of the brave Englishmen.".....................,"
says the inscription on the cross.
2. On 1 November 1912 Scott and his expedition started to go to the Pole. The weather was very bad: it was cold and windy. Very quickly Scott understood that he had made a lot of mistakes. The sledges didn't work. The ponies couldn't walk in deep snow and soon died. Scott hadn't bought any dogs, and the men had to pull the sledges with their food and equipment. The team had never been to the Antarctic before, so they were not ready for all the difficulties. But they still didn't forget their dream. They wanted to be the first at the South Pole. Every day they walked and walked through the snow. The English expedition remembered Amundsen and didn't want to lose that race.
3. On 15 June 1910 the English ship "Terra Nova" left England and went to the Antarctic. On board the ship was an English naval-officer Robert Falcon Scott. He had a dream. He wanted to be the first at the South Pole. Scott had already been to the Antarctic and had prepared for everything. He had planned the route and chosen four strong brave men. Scott had bought all the equipment: warm clothes, food, electric sledges and Siberian ponies. Yes, he had thought of everything, but one thing worried Scott: another famous explorer Roald Amundsen from Norway, had also gone to the Antarctic. The race for the South Pole had begun.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Lena111888