Предмет: Русский язык, автор: света1911

Покажи связь главных членов предложений .
Этого праздника люди ждали долгих четыре года .

Укажи части речи . 
В День Победы в честь ветеранов гремит праздничный салют .


Автор ответа: Milena17
Этого праздника люди ждали долгих четыре года .
Главные члены: люди - подлежащее, ждали - сказуемое
В День Победы в честь ветеранов гремит праздничный салют .
Главные члены: салют - подлежащее, гремит - сказуемое
В  - предлог, День - существительное, Победы - существительное, в - предлог, честь - существительное, ветеранов - существительное, гремит - глагол, праздничный - прилагательное, салют - существительное 
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1 Complete the sentences with have to, don't have to, must, mustn't, should, or shouldn't.
Example: We’ll have to leave early tomorrow morning.
1. Great! It’s a holiday tomorrow – we ________ go to work. 2. I need your advice. Where do you think we ________ stay in London, in a hotel or a bed and breakfast? 3. There are hungry crocodiles in that river. You ________ swim in it! 4. It’s a great film. You ________ see it. 5. You ________ talk loudly on your mobile in a restaurant. It’s bad manners.
6. You ________ drive on the right in Europe (except in the UK). 7. You ________ pay to get into that exhibition – it’s free.

2 Complete the dialogues with must, can’t, or might. Example: They must be out. Nobody is answering the phone.
1. ‘You’re getting married? You ________ be serious!’ ‘You’re right. I’m just joking.’ 2. ‘I thought you ________ like to borrow this book.’ ‘Oh great, thanks. I was thinking about buying it.’ 3. ‘I’ve just run 20km. I’m training for a marathon.’ ‘Really? You ________ feel exhausted.’ 4. ‘Marilyn and Bob are on holiday in Sicily this week.’ ‘They ________ be. I’ve just seen Marilyn in town.’ 5. ‘I passed my driving test!’ ‘Congratulations! You ________ be very happy.’ 6. ‘Look, Jane left her bag here.’ ‘It ________ be Jane’s– her bag is black.’ 7. ‘Where’s Steven?’ ‘I don’t know. He ________ be in a meeting. Shall I look in his diary?’

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of can, could, or be able to. Example: We were so hungry we couldn’t wait for dinner, so we ordered pizza.
1. What does this label say? I ________ see without my glasses. 2. I’ve never ________draw well, but my brother is brilliant. 3. ________ you lend me a pen, please? 4. I’m free tonight, so I’ll ________ come and help you if you like. 5. After three months living here, I ________ understand quite a lot of Japanese. 6. I’d love ________ play a musical instrument.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: aliyse81