40 ПУНКТОВ ЗА ПРАВЕЛЬНЫЙ ОТВЕТ Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, которые в скобках конце строк, Обозначенных номерами 1-7 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержание текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. When Australia s discoverers 1________ ashore, what was 2______ surprise when they saw a strange-looking animal with a large tail jumping around on 3______ strong hind legs (‘’What is it?’’ they asked a friendly aboriginal who) 4_______ ‘’Kangaroo,’’ which in 5____________ language was ‘’l do not understand you.’’ The Europeans 6________ it for the name of the animal and (it 7________ to stay.) 1.My cousin Adam is a famous________________. 2.(The story of Queen Elizabeth l shows that being a princess can be) a __________thing. 3.Queen Mary is one of the most ________ people in English (history). 4.During a safari in Kenya last year, l saw the most___________ animal. 5. Ken looked _________ before the test. 6.(She was a very_____________ writer of our country. . GO THEY IT REPLY HE TAKE COME BIOLOGY DANGER INTEREST FANTASY NERVE SUCCESS
When Australia* s discoverers 1went ashore, what was 2 their surprise when they saw a strange-looking animal with a large tail jumping around on 3 its strong hind legs (‘’What is it?’’ they asked a friendly aboriginal who) 4 replied ‘’Kangaroo,’’ which in 5 his language was ‘’l do not understand you.’’ The Europeans 6 took it for the name of the animal and (it 7 came to stay.)
1.My cousin Adam is a famous biologist . 2.(The story of Queen Elizabeth l shows that being a princess can be) a dangerous thing. 3.Queen Mary is one of the most interesting people in English (history). 4.During a safari in Kenya last year, l saw the most fantastic animal. 5. Ken looked nervously before the test. 6.(She was a very successful writer of our country.