Предмет: Русский язык, автор: drevssvetlana

«Стрижонок вылупился из яйца в тёмной норке. Вокруг ничего не было видно. Лиши далеко-далеко тускло мерцало пятнышко света. Птенец испугался света, плотнее прижался к маме-стрижихе. Он задремал, согревшись под крылом. Где-то шёл дождь. Одна за другой падали капли. И стрижонку казалось, что это мама-стрижиха стучит клювом по скорлупе яйца. выпишите сначала существительные мужского рода, затем ж.р и ср.р


Автор ответа: kseniyalyutina
Существительные мужского рода:
Стрижонок, свет, птенец, дождь, клюв.
Существительные среднее рода:
Яйцо, пятнышко, крыло.
Существительные женского рода:
Норка, мама-стрижиха, скорлупа
Также в тексте присутствует существительное во множественном числе "Капли", в начальной форме слово женского рода. 
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Why We Have Laws
Picture a world in which men can beat up other men and women, it is ok to kill, and stealing is accepted. If a man could come into your house right now and murder you without punishment the world would be in chaos! This is why we need laws, for the simple reason of keeping society running smoothly. To keep everyone protected, to offer full equality to all, and finally to punish those who disobey. Safety is just one of the many things that is offered to us by having laws. For one, it gives us a peace of mind. Knowing that you can sleep at night without (for the most part) worrying about being killed or having your house robbed is essential to keeping order in our society. If there were no laws, how can one say that they can go to sleep at night with a peace of mind, knowing that any second now someone could break into their house, steal everything, and not get punished in anyway. That relates to the next job of safety: You are protected for what you have worked hard for and earned. Imagine living in a world where someone could just claim something that is yours as their own. You would have no protection or safety against anything of this matter if it wasn't for the law. Besides giving just safety, the law gives us equality. Equality is probably the most important thing that the law gives us because under the law everyone is equal. A rich upper class man will be treated just the same as a poor lower class man in court of law. It gives us all an equality that you cannot find anywhere else.
3. Comprehension сheck. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What would be if men can beat up other men and women?
2. Why do we need laws?
3. What is offered to us by having laws?
4. What is essential to keeping order in our society?