Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Sun33

Морфологический разбор слова-нежелательны.Заранее большое спасибо!!!


Автор ответа: Kapel
Прилагательное,мужской род,единственное число,степень сравнения,именительный падеж
Автор ответа: Аноним
Нежелательны - прилагательное, нач. ф. - нежелательный, качественное, положительная форма сравнения, краткая форма, мн. ч., И. п., сказуемое.
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Star916
Studying abroad is a really good experience. However, sometimes it is very difficult to get
necessary funds to pay for tuition, living accommodations, etc. One way to get money while
studying is to apply for a job. If you would like to study and work at the same time in Great Britain,
you should be aware of some pertinent rules and regulations.
A lot of students dream of obtaining a degree from an overseas university and, in particular,
of one from Great Britain. This country, famous for its traditions and unique education system,
seems an optional location. Moreover, it is possible to study there for free! In this article you will
find out how to obtain financial assistance such as grants and scholarships to pay for tuition and
living expenses in Great Britain.
Getting financial assistance necessarily involves an assessment of your academic progress,
educational background and work experience. However, it is also a matter of time. As a rule,
students must start preparing the necessary documents at least a year before their intended study.
This time is spent filling out the applications, sending them to the appropriate bodies, having them
assessed and, finally, receiving the results. Most financial assistance programmes have deadlines, so
the earlier you start the better.
Financial assistance programmes come in two broad categories. The first covers full funding
for tuition fees, accommodation, and maintenance; while the second covers only partial expenses
associate with education and living. The latter category mostly consists of individual universities'
grants and scholarships, so it is best to consult each university regarding their own financial
assistance programmes.
To cross the border you'd need a foreign passport, which may be acquired upon making a
personal petition (or through legal representatives) to the passport service of the internal security
bodies, in residence. (A person receiving a passport is not to be younger than eighteen, or sixteen if
the person lives abroad permanently).
The process of getting funds for education takes time, so you will need to be patient. Good
Предмет: Русский язык, автор: damir21082002
Раставить запятые и точки

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также в коломне вы найдете около 20
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от москвы до коломны 110 километров
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