Предмет: Геометрия, автор: boolicheg

в правильной четырехугольной пирамиде сторона основания равна 6см, угол наклона боковой грани к плоскости основания равен 60 градусов. найдите боковое ребро пирамиды.


Автор ответа: Аноним

Пусть в основании лежит квадрат ABCD, вершина пирамиды S, высота SO. Построим угол между (ABS) и (ABC). Проведем в (ABS) SH перпендикулярно AB. Тогда искомый угол в 60 градусов - угол SHO. В треугольнике SHO - прямоугольный, SH=HO, cos60=3:0,5=6. В треугольнике BHS - прямоугольный. BS находим по теореме Пифагора: BS*BS= 3*3 + 6*6=45. Значит, BS= 3√5. Ответ: 3√5.

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Определи тип данных текстов: описание, повествование рассуждение.
1)Дождь шел третий день. Серый, мелкий и вредный. Непредсказуемый, как низкое седое небо. Нескончаемый. Бесконечный. Он неприкаянно стучался в окна и тихо шуршал по крыше. Угрюмый и

беспечный. Раздражающий. Надоевший.

2)Итак, пройдет дождь, и отшумит дождь, отгремит гром. И что дальше? Опять- изнуряющий зной душного лета. Опять- раскаленный асфальт? Опять- задыхающийся в пыли город? Или погода смилуется над уставшими городскими жителями и подарит хотя бы неделю прохлады? Поскольку предсказания синоптиков размыты и туманы, нам остается только ждать и наблюдать.

3)Ночью поднялся сильный ветер и пошел дождь. Он тихо барабанил по крыше и стекал по стеклу, превращая мир за окном в размытое пятно. Потоки воды смывали пыль с деревьев и тротуаров, журчали в водостоках, остужали раскаленный от летней жары город. и те, кто не спал, открывали окна, вдыхали влажную прохладу и подставляли лица ледяным каплям. Дождя в городе ждали два

месяца, и теперь, когда он пришел, люди молча улыбались, благословляя плачущее небо,​
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: dmitriibikawewe
ДАЮ 30 БАЛЛОВ строчно
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Australia is an island continent in the southern hemisphere. It is a huge country and is far from everywhere. It is also called ‘Oz’ and its people like to call themselves ‘aussies’. Australia is a multicultural society and there are people from all over the world. It is a peaceful and wealthy country.
Australia is a land of oddities. There are many unusual animals and plants that can be found nowhere else in the world. You have probably heard about the kangaroos that carry their young in their pouch. A baby kangaroo is called a joey. And there are those cute koalas that spend about 18-20 hours a day sleeping in tree forks. There are other marsupial animals such as the wombat, the wallaby or the possum. Do you know the name of the egg-laying mamma that has a bill like a duck? It is called a platypus. The first Europeans could hardly believe their eyes when they first saw it. And there are of course those wild dogs that are called dingoes in Australia. Mind you, they are not native to this country. They probably came from Asia a long time ago.
The indigenous people of Australia are known as the Aborigines. They have lived on this island for more that 40,000 years. That is why they are often referred to as the ‘first Australians’. Their lifestyle and culture changed drastically with the arrival of the British colonists in 1788. They were deprived of their land and were forced to adapt to an entirely different way of life. They used to throw the boomerang to hunt for food and their world centred around their dreamtime mythology. Those legends of the Dreaming gave meaning to their lives.
Modern Australia is a pleasant place to visit. It offers a lot both in the way of cultural and natural attractions. There are world-class performances in the Sydney Opera House but if you are more interested in the local flora and fauna then you should go bushwalking in one of the many national parks. Eucalypt tree forests have a peculiar atmosphere. These trees are special because they shed (сбрасывают) their bark (кора) not their leaves. Some eucalypt tree varieties are called gum trees. If you are in for some more adventure then the outback is probably the place for you. In this part of Australia almost everything is red: the soil, the rocks and even the kangaroos! Amazing, isn’t it?

1 Australia did not surprise the first Europeans.
2 Dingoes were Asian animals.
3 Australia is a usual country.
4 Australia is even bigger than you think it is. It's almost the same size as mainland USA.
5 The British colonists took the land of the first Australians.
6 The life of the Aborigines in Australia changed after 1788.
7 The boomerang helped the Aborigines to collect their dreamtime mythology.
Предмет: Геометрия, автор: Малая13
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: КристИнг