Предмет: Английский язык, автор: savostanbogdan8

скласти твір на тему:робота та професія на англійській мові


Автор ответа: anastasiahodos32

Обираючи професію, ми стикаємося з важливим життєвим вибором, який визначатиме наш шлях і самовизначення. Перш за все, важливо зрозуміти свої інтереси та пасії. Розглядайте те, що вас завжди цікавило, чим ви любите займатися у вільний час. Це може бути вказівником на ваші справжні уподобання та потреби.

Далі слід врахувати власні навички та здібності. Аналізуйте, в чому ви вже вправні, які навички ви легко освоюєте. Обговорюйте з друзями та родиною ваші сильні сторони та слабкі місця – це допоможе отримати об'єктивні поради.

Також слід врахувати ринкові тенденції та перспективи вибраної галузі. Досліджуйте ринок праці, звертайте увагу на попит на фахівців у конкретній області та тенденції їхнього розвитку.

Не бійтеся звертатися за консультацією до фахівців чи менторів у вибраній сфері. Вони можуть надати корисний досвід та поради, які сприятимуть вам у правильному виборі.

Загалом, обираючи професію, слід враховувати свої інтереси, здібності, перспективи та особисті цінності, щоб зробити рішення, яке відповідає вашій унікальності та приводить до особистого та професійного задоволення.

When choosing a profession, we face an important life choice that will determine our path and self-determination. First of all, it is important to understand your interests and passions. Consider what you have always been interested in, what you like to do in your free time. This can be a pointer to your true preferences and needs.

Next, you should consider your own skills and abilities. Analyze what you are already good at, what skills you can easily learn. Talk to your friends and family about your strengths and weaknesses to get objective advice.

You should also consider market trends and prospects for your chosen industry. Research the labor market, pay attention to the demand for specialists in a particular field and trends in their development.

Don't be afraid to seek advice from experts or mentors in your chosen field. They can provide useful experience and advice that will help you make the right choice.

In general, when choosing a profession, you should consider your interests, abilities, perspectives, and personal values to make a decision that fits your uniqueness and leads to personal and professional satisfaction.

Автор ответа: annasiwwkfaa
Everyone has a dream to achieve something in his/her life.
Some people dream of becoming rich, some want to become famous and some want to make others’ lives better by helping them.
My dream is to become a scientist. It is not an easy-to-achieve goal. But I know I can do it.
Science always entices me. There are so many exciting things to learn in it.
I enjoy reading science books on natural processes, inventions, discoveries, plants, animals, human beings, chemical reactions, etc.
Scientists solve global challenges, make innovations and they get to learn new things every now and then.
When I become a scientist, I want to help society through my revolutionary ideas.
There are so many issues including pollution and global warming. I want to innovate such devices which help the world in eradicating such problems.
My parents and teachers always motivate me to study well and passionately work towards achieving my dream.
Джерело: https://dovidka.biz.ua/moya-maybutnya-profesiya-na-anhliyskiy-movi

Перевод: У кожного є мрія досягти чогось у своєму житті.
Деякі люди мріють стати багатими, деякі хочуть стати відомими, а деякі хочуть покращити життя інших, допомагаючи їм.
Мрію стати вченим. Це нелегка мета. Але я знаю, що можу це зробити.
Наука мене завжди манить. У ньому можна навчитися багато цікавого.
Мені подобається читати наукові книги про природні процеси, винаходи, відкриття, рослини, тварин, людей, хімічні реакції тощо.
Вчені вирішують глобальні виклики, впроваджують інновації та час від часу дізнаються щось нове.
Коли я стану вченим, я хочу допомогти суспільству своїми революційними ідеями.
Є так багато проблем, включаючи забруднення та глобальне потепління. Я хочу створити інноваційні пристрої, які допоможуть світу викорінити такі проблеми.
Мої батьки та вчителі завжди мотивують мене добре вчитися та наполегливо працювати над досягненням моєї мрії.
Джерело: https://dovidka.biz.ua/moya-maybutnya-profesiya-na-anhliyskiy-movi
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There is one question you do not need to use.
Other Worlds
A. Yesterday the world's newest country was born when thousands of people gathered in Leicester Square, London,
to witness its naming and to meet the man they now consider their king. And what is the name of the country, I hear
you cry? The world's newest nation is to be called "Lovely',
B. Six months ago, 28-year-old Danny Wallance, who earns his living as a TV comic and 'ideas' man, had a great
idea. What if he started his own country and invited anyone who wanted 20 to join him to become a citizen? So,
naming himself King Danny I and declaring his onebedroom flat in East London an independent state, he set about
taking the necessary steps to make his dream come true. He documented his progress in his BBC 2 series How to Start
Your Own Country, which comes to the end of its six-week run on Wednesday..
C. Over the six weeks, Danny explored the practicalities of forming your own country. The first thing on his agenda
was to hand in his Declaration of Independence to the prime minister at Number Ten. With this out of the way, he was
free to start thinking about things such as writing a constitution and setting up a government. Then he was off to
design his own flag and record his own national anthem. He even got someone to design possible postage stamps for
Lovely, with his face on them!
D. Much of his time was spent travelling the world meeting politicians and dignitaries to hear their advice on what it
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Noam Chomsky on the nature of democracy. After a trip to Death Row in the USA and moving interview with an
inmate, Danny decided against the death penalty for Lovely.
E. For economic advice, Wallace visited the chief cashier of the Bank of England. He decided to create a brand new
currency, which he called the Independent Occupational Unit (IOU). However, you can't open a bank account or take
out a loan in Lovely. And forget trying to draw out IOUS with a cash card for the simple reason that there aren't any
banks there. The IOU is part of a much more casual economy, free from things such as interest rates. It's based on the
phrase 'time is money. You basically do something for someone and they'll do something later for you. F. Along the
way, Danny also met with several disappointments. In one episode Danny travelled to New York to try and get his
country recognized by the United Nations. Unfortunately, his request was ultimately turned down because of his lack
of an independent territory. Although Danny had bought his flat, he had not purchased the land on which it stands, so
officially his headquarters belonged to the UK. But what disappointed Danny most of all was being refused entry to
the Eurovision Song Contest with a song he specially recorded called "Stop the mugging and start the hugging". The
reason he was given was that, since his country had no radio or TV station, he could not become a member of the
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