
1. The Brooklyn **Bridge** connects Manhattan and Brooklyn.
2. Downing **Street** is where the British Prime Minister lives.
3. Windsor **Castle** is the Royal Family's weekend home and the largest inhabited castle in the world.
4. Central **Park** is a green space in the middle of New York.
5. The National **Gallery** is London's most famous art museum.
6. Times **Square** is the center of New York's theatre district.
1. The Brooklyn Bridge connects Manhattan and Brooklyn.
1. Бруклинский мост соединяет Манхеттен и Бруклин.
2. Downing Street is where the British Prime Minister lives.
2. Даунинг-стрит - место, где живет премьер-министр Великобритании.
3. Windsor Castle is the Royal Family's weekend home and the largest inhabited castle in the world.
3. Виндзорский замок - загородный дом королевской семьи и самый большой обитаемый замок в мире.
4. Central Park is a green space in the middle of New York.
4. Центральный парк - зеленая зона в центре Нью-Йорка.
5. The National Gallery is London's most famous art museum.
5. Национальная галерея - самый известный художественный музей Лондона.
6. Times Square is the center of New York's theater district.
6. Таймс-сквер - центр театрального района Нью-Йорка.