4. a) Work in pairs. Guess what your partner would do in each situation and complete the sentences below. Don't ask any questions. a) If you could meet any famous person, I think you'd choose b) If you could live anywhere in the world, I think you'd c) If you had two tickets for a really good concert, I think you'd invite d) If you wanted to study another foreign language, I think you e) If you won the lottery, I think you f) If you could buy a car for yourself, I think you g) If you were served snake at a dinner party, I think you h) If vou could have something to eat right now, I think you.
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a) If you could meet any famous person, I think you’d choose Taylor Swift because you love her music and style. b) If you could live anywhere in the world, I think you’d move to New Zealand because you enjoy nature and adventure. c) If you had two tickets for a really good concert, I think you’d invite your best friend because you always have fun together. d) If you wanted to study another foreign language, I think you would learn Japanese because you are interested in anime and manga. e) If you won the lottery, I think you would travel around the world because you are curious and want to see new places. f) If you could buy a car for yourself, I think you would get a Tesla because you care about the environment and technology. g) If you were served snake at a dinner party, I think you would try it because you are not picky and like to try new things. h) If you could have something to eat right now, I think you would choose pizza because it is your favorite food.
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