Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ilonkazavialova11

2. Fill in the blanks with "a few" or "a little" to complete the sentences.
1. I've got ... money. Let's have coffee.
2. He has read
books on European history
rich men in the town.
3. There are
4. This dish needs
5. I'd like
6. I saw Mary
salt in it.
coffee, please.
days ago.


Автор ответа: mmn91038


1. I've got a little money. Let's have coffee.

2. He has read a few books on European history.

3. There are a few rich men in the town.

4. This dish needs a little salt in it.

5. I'd like a little coffee, please.

6. I saw Mary a few days ago.

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Помогит Английский даю 50 балов
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text? Write yes, no, not given.
Вот Текст
Мy favourite sport
A. Figure skating is not just a sport it is a real art. The performances that skaters show on the ice are always very spectacular and elegant. Whereas, their preparation requires considerable physical effort and great artistry. That's why I love figure skating.
B. Each performance of athletes is unique, whether it is a pair performance or a single one. Skaters do not just perform figure skating elements clearly and methodically, they do it to beautiful music, in bright outfits. Their faces express a variety of emotions and their acting is amazing. It takes years of preparation and hard working so that the audience can see a great show and enjoy watching it.
C. In order to become a figure skater a person need to have a real talent that allows him or her to masterfully manage the body. Although, talent is not the only thing you need. To move so easily on the ice, as, for example, Yevgeny Plushenko or Alina Zagitova had to train daily from an early age while other children played and had fun, young skaters spent all their free time on the skating rinks practicing and working out various elements. I always remember this when I watch figure skating competitions. Therefore, I am happy with every victory of my favourite sportsmen as my own. Moreover, in their mistakes and falls on the ice, I feel like a personal failure.
D. Most of all, I like single skating. During these performances, all my attention is focused on the athlete, whose movements I follow with holding my breath. A pair skating is more like a beautiful show with the spectacular support and interaction of partners on the ice, and, of course, breathtaking acting and amazing costumes.
E. Every year, new stars appear on the sports scene, most of them are no more than twenty years old. This age is ideal for achieving success in figure skating, and then many champions become coaches or just start doing something new. Unfortunately, their career finishes very quickly, however, it is necessary for setting new records, as well as for the audience to have the opportunity to admire the amazing skill of skaters and enjoy the success of their country in world competitions.
1The audience likes watching every show.....
2The author feels every mistake and fall as her own failure......
3The author agrees that it is bad their career finishes quickly.......