Предмет: Химия, автор: neznniz

хелп 150баллов химия 9класс ​



Автор ответа: rsggergerg

Элементы с указанными зарядами:

+6: С (углерод), формула CO3 (карбонат)

+13: Al (алюминий), формула Al2O3 (оксид алюминия)

+19: К (калий), формула K3PO4 (фосфат калия)

+2: Mg (магний), формула MgO (оксид магния)

Электронные формулы:

CO3: O=C=O (линейная структура)

Al2O3: O=Al=O=Al=O (слоистая структура)

K3PO4: K^+ - (O=P(OH)O)^-3 (ионная структура)

MgO: O=Mg=O (ионная структура)

Степени окисления элементов в веществах:

МНЗ: Мн (марганец) - +7

№: N (азот) - +2

МаСР: Mn (марганец) - +7, S (сера) - -2

КМО2: K (калий) - +1, Mn (марганец) - +4

№2: N (азот) - 0

143: Br (бром) - +3

НС|: H (водород) - +1, Cl (хлор) - -1

МЕ: Mg (магний) - +2, Е (кислород) - -2

К2О: K (калий) - +1, О (кислород) - -2

Н2$: Н (азот) - 0, S (сера) - 0

Тип химической связи:

№2: Ковалентная

143: Ионная

НС|: Ионная

МЕ: Ионная

К2О: Ионная

Н2$: Ковалентная

Характеристика реакций:

Н2+№ —МН:1+0: Восстановление (множество подходов)

АГ. +Ее20з —+ А12Оз + Ее+ 0: Окисление-восстановление

Ее—Ее$04—Ее (ОН) 2—Ее0-> Ее(\03)2: Превращение оксида через гидроксид к основанию

С-С0-СО2-СаСО3-С02: Изгнание CO2 из углеводорода

Ионный обмен:

Карбонат натрия + серная кислота: Na2CO3 + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + CO2 + H2O

Решение задачи:

125 л азотной кислоты (HNO3) + гидроксид алюминия (Al(OH)3)

Реакция: 6HNO3 + 2Al(OH)3 → 2Al(NO3)3 + 6H2O

Молярная масса Al(NO3)3 = 213 г/моль

Масса = молярная масса × количество молей

Масса соли = 213 г/моль × (2 моль/3) × 125 л × (1 моль/22.4 л) ≈ 297 г


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III Prepare a report on the topic.
Laboratory work
1. Prepare excellent reading of the basic text.
Andreas Vesalius
Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) is one of the greatest anatomists. He was bom in 1514 He
studied medicine in France In 1537 he got the degree of Doctor of Medicine In 1538 his
first scientific works in Anatomy were published in 1543 his most important book "On the
Structure of the Human Body was written
His work “On the Structure of the Human Body " consists of seven books The bones of
the skeleton , the joints and the cartilages were described in the first book, the muscles - in
the second the vessels - in the third the nerves - in the fourth the alimentary tract-in the
fifth the heart and the respiratory system - in the sixth the brain - in the seventh
In all his works Vesalius studied the anatomy of the human body on cadavers. He studied
the structure of the inner organs of the human body taking into consideration their
functions. Vesalius was the first scientist to give a proper description of the human skeleton
He also determined that the right and the left ventricles of the heart not connected. He
determined that there were no openings in the
septum between the left and the right heart
chambers. It was a great discovery Before Vesalius all the scientists
considered that the left and the right heart chambers were connected by the openings in the
septum His discovery opened the way to the discovery of the pulmonary and systemic blood
circulations in future Vesalius did much to establish new and exact anatomical terms
The great Russian scientist Pavlov said that the works written by Vesalius composed the
first anatomy of the human body in which everything was based on scientific research work
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