Предмет: Английский язык, автор: kusarlieva

Task 1. Read the text and mark sentences True or False.
What do you know about planets?
Mercury is very hot during the day and very cold at night. It is also the fastest
planet in the Solar system. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. One of its
volcanoes, Mat and Olympia's Mons, is named after the Egyptian god of truth and justice.
The beautiful blue color of Earth comes from the oceans which cover 70 per cent of the
planet. More than seven billion people live there. The fourth planet, Mars, is named for the
Roman god of war. Until 1976 scientists believed there could be life on Mars. Jupiter is the
largest planet that we know. It is a very stormy planet because it spins so fast. Saturn is 100
times the size of Earth, but it is even lighter than water, so it would float in a gigantic
swimming pool! Uranus is strange because it spins at an angle. Each pole of Uranus, north
and south, has 42 years of sunlight, then 42 years of darkness. Neptune takes more than
160 years to go round the sun. It has the strongest winds in the solar system - up to 2 400
kph. Pluto is not considered as planet anymore because of its strange orbit.

Task 2. Write a story (funny, strange, sad). You may answer the questions while you
are writing.
1. What kind of story was it?
When did it happen?
Where did it happen?
What were you doing?
What happened in the end?

Помогите срочно пожалуйста даю 100 баллов


Автор ответа: lolipopert47


1?What kind of story was it?

A mysterious and adventurous story.

2.When did it happen?

It all began one stormy night during summer vacation.

3.Where did it happen?

The story unfolded in an old, abandoned mansion on the outskirts of town.

4.What were you doing?

I was exploring the mansion with my friends when we stumbled upon an ancient key hidden in a dusty attic.

5.What happened in the end?

Intrigued by the key, we embarked on a quest to uncover its secrets. It led us to a hidden chamber where we found a treasure map that revealed the location of a long-lost pirate treasure buried in the town's park. Despite numerous challenges, we eventually found the treasure and discovered the true history behind the mysterious key.

kusarlieva: Ты по текстам написал(а) или в смыслами
kusarlieva: Ты правильно написала
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