Предмет: Литература, автор: sofiamakeenko4

Наведіть приклади використання антитези у вірші Д.Р. Кіплінга

«Якщо…». Чому цей художній прийом є ключовим у творі?


Автор ответа: dianakarca048


Вірш Д.Р. Кіплінга "Якщо…" наповнений антитезами, які висвітлюють протилежності та важливі вибори у житті. Один із прикладів антитези у цьому вірші:

- "Якщо ти можеш зустріти триумф і катастрофу

І трактувати обоє однаково…"

Цей художній прийом є ключовим, оскільки він допомагає підкреслити протилежності життя та важливість розуміння їх обох. Антитези створюють баланс у вірші, підкреслюючи, що в умовах триумфу чи катастрофи, важливо зберігати рівновагу та зберігати внутрішню міць.

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The Cook
by J.M.Ward
Susan and Peter got married ... Rome where Peter was working ... a teacher ... the Parker Institute.
They lived a nice room ... the Anconi Hotel and had their meals ... the restaurant ... the hotel.
Some time later Susan got an urgent telegram ... her home ... England which said that her mother felt bad. So she had to fly ... London.
Today she was to come back and Peter was waiting ... her... Rome Airport. The plane landed... a short delay. Susan got ... , went ... the Customs and Passport Control and came...... Peter.
"Hello", she said. "How are you?"
"Fine. And you?"
"Oh, I am tired, but happy to be back. Any news?"
"Yes, I've rented a comfortable flat ... us. I've been living there ... a week already. It is very close ... the Anconi Hotel. Are you glad, Susan?"
"Of course I am, but I'm also afraid. You know, I can't cook."
"It's all right. I'll cook our meals. And we won't have to eat ... home all the time. We can sometimes go ... the Anconi restaurant and eat our favourite dishes there."
It took them about an hour lo get ... the airport ... their new home.
"Well, you have a look ... the flat," Peter said, "and I'll cook our lunch. We are going lo have fried meat, if you don't mind. It will be ready very quickly." And he went ... the kitchen. Soon Susan came ... and looked ... the meat.
"It looks very nice, but why are you cooking it ,.. butter?"
"Never mind," Peter told. "It'll cook itself. We can go and have some beer."
... the room they sat ...... the sofa and began lo drink beer and ex¬change news. Some minutes later
Susan asked: "Don't you think the meat can burn?"
They came ... the kitchen. "It has burnt, after all," Peter said.
"Have you ever cooked meat before?" Susan asked.
"As a matter ... fact, I haven't".
"Neither have I," said Susan. "You know what, let's go ... the Anconi restaurant. They serve delicious fried meal there."