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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: farid222niftaliyev
MAKE IN PASSIVE VOICE//66. They gave us some books and magazines yesterday. 67. You advised him to stay at home 68. They asked him if he could. 70. This is the same article that they advised us to read. 71. I have been sent to help you. 72. They asked me to tell you what happened. 73. They told me to come exactly at five o'clock. 74.0 advised to engage in music. 75. They suggested him to consult a doctor. 76. When I was offered to go to the village, I didn't think about rest at all 77. They listened to the speaker very attentively. 78. Children like to be read to. 79. They talk a lot about this event. 80. Can he be trusted? 81. They never buy this book. They talked a lot about their 82.0 deeds. 83. As soon as the loads were ready, they sent someone for the car. 84. They never live in this house in winter. 85. I don't understand why people talk about this movie so much? 86.0 is a very honest person, you can trust him. 87. In our country, they take care of the elderly and children. 88. His speech at the meeting was so effective that everyone was talking about him afterwards. 89. In our country, children are provided with everything. 90. I have seen only a part of the article, the rest is still being printed. 91. As soon as all the material is ready, they will bring it to you. 92. When I came to my native village on vacation, they were starting to build a new club there. I believe that the construction will be finished now. 93. A lot of attention is paid to sports in our country. 94. Your exam papers are still being checked, so it is very difficult to talk about the results now. 95. When was the new building of Baku University built? 96. Didn't you understand the rules that were just explained to us? 97. If he does not come, this question will not be discussed. 98. Please find out if the tickets to the theater have already been sold? 99. Don't worry! Everything​
Предмет: Українська література, автор: ratmirivanov25
1. Мишка радіє, що діти сплять і не чують, як:
А) вона краде чуже добро;
Б) люди веселяться;
В) на них полює хазяйка;
Г) люди обманюють.
2. Парубки у творі «Скарб» О. Стороженка запропонували Павлуші піти з ними:
А) погуляти;
Б) шукати скарб;
В) на риболовлю;
Г) на пляж.
3. Продовжіть вислів: «...як кому Бог дасть щастя, то не треба йому й рідної матері, не
треба і скарбу шукати...»:
А) «...він завжди поруч»;
Б) «...життя і так прекрасне»;
В) «...бо ніколи не знайдеш»;
Г) «...сам скарб його знайде».
4. Чому Павлусь, герой оповідання А. Чайковського «За сестрою», вирішив поїхати
А) турки змусили його відпрацьовувати борг;
Б) турки викрали його сестру;
В) вирішив пристати до козаків;
Г) вдома його ображали.
5. Що символізує образ лебедів у творі М. Стельмаха «Гуси-лебеді летять»?
А) чистоту;
Б) вірність;
В) дитинство;
Г) волю.
6. Чого просила жінка з міста для хворої дитини в господині мишки?
А) хліба
Б) молока
В) меду
Г) сала
Предмет: Информатика, автор: SoniaMiLk