Before you watch 1 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Answer the questions. 1 Where are your parents from? 2 How old are they? 3 What do they look like? 2 3 Comprehension check Watch the DVD clip. Choose the correct answers. Who is Nancy Salazar? a Gabe's wife 1 2 How many children are in the Salazar family? b three c four a two 3 Who goes surfing? a Gabe's wife b Gabe's mum c Gabe's sister 1 2 b Gabe's son Watch again. Choose the correct words. Gabe has/hasn't got a moustache. Gabe has got short dark / fair hair. 3 Nancy has got short/long dark hair. 4 The Salazar family eat inside / outside. c Gabe's daughter 5 David has got wavy/straight dark hair. 6 David has/hasn't got glasses. 4 ► Watch again. Complete the sentences with one word in e 1 Gabe's parents are from. 2 Michelle is Gabe's 3 Michelle and Suzy are 4 The family. 5 6 Gabe and David go to the beach on. dinner together in the kitchen. and Michelle are similar ages. Round up 5 SPEAKING Work in groups. Answer the question. Would you like to live in Los Angeles? Why? / Why not? помогите пожалуйста очень надо помогите пожалуйста очень надо

Ответ: чикибрики
Объяснение:1. SPEAKING:
Where are your parents from?
How old are they?
What do they look like?
2. Comprehension check:
DVD Clip:
Who is Nancy Salazar?
Correct answer: Gabe's wife
How many children are in the Salazar family?
Correct answer: three
Who goes surfing?
Correct answer: Gabe's son
Gabe has/hasn't got a moustache.
Gabe has got short dark / fair hair.
Nancy has got short/long dark hair.
The Salazar family eat inside / outside.
David has got wavy/straight dark hair.
David has/hasn't got glasses.
4. Watch again. Complete the sentences with one word in e:
Gabe's parents are from [missing information].
Michelle is Gabe's [missing information].
Michelle and Suzy are [missing information].
The family [missing information].
Gabe and David go to the beach on [missing information].
Would you like to live in Los Angeles? Why? / Why not?
Це завдання дуже конкретне і може вимагати особистого ставлення та аргументації до вибору. Вам варто обговорити плюси і мінуси життя в Лос-Анджелесі, залежно від ваших власних уподобань і обставин.
Якщо у вас є конкретні питання чи якісь частини завдань, з якими ви маєте труднощі, я можу надати більше допомоги.