допоможіть будь-ласа 100б

№ I
1. h
2. f
3. a
4. g
5. b
6. e
7. d
8. c
№ II
1. b
2. c
3. d
4. a
1. They`re hard-working and clever children.
2. IT-specialists are well-paid jobs in Ukraine. Per month their the biggest salary consists of 60000$.
3. All secondary education institutions will be divided into types: primary school, special school, gymnasium, lyceum, scientific lyceum and lyceums in the following areas: sports, art, military, etc.
4. It is a tradition in the UK to serve the main course (usually in the afternoon, at lunchtime) of roast meat, roasted potatoes or mashed potatoes with a side dish such as Yorkshire pudding, minced meat, various vegetables and sauces.
№ IV
Roast beef, steak are favorite national dishes. Meat is served with various sauces, marinades, most often tomato sauce and pickles, as a side dish - potatoes or vegetables. A large place in the diet of the British is occupied by various puddings. They are prepared as second courses (meat, cereals and vegetables) and as third courses (sweet fruit puddings).
Объяснение: Завжди будьласка :)