Предмет: Литература, автор: nastiasmutina

Чому Джейн залишає людину яку любить всім серцем срочно будь ласка поможіть твір


Автор ответа: maksim12389085


Джейн вирішила залишити людину, яку любила всім серцем, оскільки їй довелося зробити важке рішення на користь свого особистого розвитку та самоідентифікації. Не заважаючи своїм почуттям, вона визнала, що для її особистого зростання та щасливого майбутнього необхідно рушити вперед, навіть якщо це означає розлучення з улюбленою особою.


будь ласка, 5 зірок і найкраща відповідь

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Task 1. Read two people talking about their free time. Are the sentences True or False? Example: Jack likes rock music. True
Kate: In my free time I do a lot of different things. With my friends we often watch television or rent videos. We meet at somebody`s house to watch video together. We might call out for a pizza or make popcorn at home and eat in front of the television.
Jenny: But we prefer going to the movie theatre, both to watch movies but also to “hang out”. Before going out we usually spend a long time getting ready. We try to wear our most fashionable clothes and they make sure their hair looks perfect.
Sam: In America, it is against the law for people under 21 years of age to drink alcohol, so we can’t go to the local concerts at bars when our favourite band or pop singer comes to town. But I`d like to very much.
Mary: I don’t like to hang out with boys and girls who are missing school, writing graffiti, breaking windows and bullying other kids. I don’t feel comfortable about it. I’m hot into it.
Jane: I love to spend my free time window shopping in Pushkin Square. Some of the shops are very expensive. There are some fantastic cafeterias where you can get simple and cheap meals and drinks. My favourite is an Internet café.
Jack: I love hanging around the Central Park. We are all into skate-boarding and we can show off our skills there.
1. Kate doesn`t like to watch films at somebody`s house. _____________
2. Jenny goes to the movie theatre only to watch films. _______________
3. Sam can`t go to the local concerts at bars. _______________________
4. Mary doesn`t like to miss lessons. _______________________
5. Jane never goes to the Internet café. _______________________
6. Jack goes in for skate-boarding. ________________________