1 Translate the phrases into your own language.
Telling a story
Use the right tenses
Past Continuous is used to describe the background for the main events
The sun was shining and I was enjoying myself
Past Simple is used to describe a problem and the main events
The weather changed I couldn't see the path Use linkers
• To start with/ At first
Moda Suddenly/All of a sudden/Luckily Fortunately/ Unfortunately
End: In the end Eventually Finally
Say how you felt I was excited/frightened/ relieved/surprised/shock worried.
Make a "Unal comment It was the best/worst day of my lifel
I'll never forget the look on his face!
I'll never do it again. Listening to a stary
Neutral response
Really?/Oh dear/Oh no.
Strong response
That sounds amazing/Funny/
What a great
story/e nightmarel Respond with questions
What happened?
What did you do?
Telling a story
Use the right tenses
Past Continuous is used to describe the background for the main events
Сонце світило, і я насолоджувався собою.
Past Simple is used to describe a problem and the main events
Погода змінилася, і я не міг бачити стежку.
Use linkers
• To start with/ At first
Moda Suddenly/All of a sudden/Luckily Fortunately/ Unfortunately
Раптом/Все раптом/На щастя/На жаль
End: In the end Eventually Finally
У кінці/Врешті-решт
Say how you felt I was excited/frightened/ relieved/surprised/shock worried.
Я був захоплений/наляканий/заспокоєний/здивований/вражений/турбований.
Make a final comment It was the best/worst day of my life!
Це був найкращий/найгірший день у моєму житті!
I'll never forget the look on his face!
Я ніколи не забуду вигляд на його обличчі!
I'll never do it again.
Я цього більше ніколи не зроблю.
Listening to a story
Neutral response
Дійсно?/О, миленько/О, ні.
Strong response
Це звучить дивовижно/Смішно/Страшно.
What a great story!
Яка чудова історія!
Respond with questions
Що сталося?
Що ти зробив?